
美 [ʃɔːrt ˈsaɪtɪdnəs]英 [ʃɔːt ˈsaɪtɪdnəs]
  • 网络近视;短视
  1. The researchers studied what happened to people who had mutations in their DNA2 that were either linked to short-sightedness or to spending a long time in education .


  2. We must not go by the short-sightedness of the small producer .


  3. Many people accused the government of short-sightedness .


  4. He was beginning to see his particular brand of short-sightedness .


  5. This results in many physical problems , such as short-sightedness and stunted growth .


  6. Design of Light Controller in Therapeutic Apparatus for Short-sightedness with Spectrum Lighting Stimulus


  7. Researchers have discovered that short-sightedness and high IQs seem to go together in children .


  8. Some people think wearing contact lenses for a long period of time could correct or even cure short-sightedness .


  9. Is my short-sightedness likely to get worse ?


  10. It is undeniable that human beings are often restrained by their short-sightedness .


  11. But being born in summer can have drawbacks - such as an increased risk of short-sightedness .


  12. But being born in the summer can have drawbacks – such as an increased risk of short-sightedness .


  13. The major problems exist in the short-sightedness in thought , lack of guarantee for corresponding systems and measures , and insufficiency of material conditions .


  14. That is not all because of short-sightedness . People also need reading glasses as they get older and the figure includes sunglasses .


  15. Within just ten years , a drug that prevents short-sightedness or stops it in its tracks could be in widespread use 。


  16. Keeping a dog also has the added benefit that owners are outside more which has been proven to protect against short-sightedness .


  17. Up to 90 % of school leavers in major Asian cities are suffering from myopia - short-sightedness - a study suggests .


  18. Wood argues that , by under-investing in the developing world , many first-world companies are guilty of short-sightedness .


  19. The same short-sightedness that prevailed in the run-up to the crisis is once again in evidence .


  20. According to the subjects of papers in Journal of Higher Education from 2000 to 2009 , there exist two problems : academic fashion-following and short-sightedness .


  21. Short-sightedness is built into the structure , in the form of an overwhelming tendency to over-estimate short-term trends at the expense of history .


  22. Recent reports show that the incidence of short-sightedness and obesity is on the rise in urban areas while non-nutrition has a serious effect in many rural areas .


  23. To find the gene , the first to be linked to short-sightedness , or myopia , the researchers compared the DNA of more than 4000 British twins .


  24. In Singapore , where there are large numbers of people from Chinese , Malay and Indian backgrounds , all three ethnic groups have seen a dramatic rise in short-sightedness .


  25. Understanding the biological glitches behind short-sightedness could help researchers develop eye drops or tablets that could be given to children to stop their vision from failing as they get older .


  26. If they do it will have been US policy short-sightedness , conducted without concern for its effect on developing economies , that will ultimately have isolated the dollar and its users .


  27. The judge awarded around 700000 dollars to six plaintiffs , saying the Corp 's negligence and short-sightedness in maintaining a key shipping channel actually led to the tragedy .


  28. Analyzed in the view of strategic factors , the key to prevent short-sightedness on strategy is to confirm strategic core and put such elements as mentality , resources , organization and security with rules into effect .


  29. That is not all because of short-sightedness .


  30. Through a combination of short-sightedness and financial illiteracy , the European Council has now put itself in a position where it desperately needs Eurobonds , if only to assure the existence of a functioning financial sector .
