The badger sett had twelve entrances to what must have been a labyrinth of tunnels .
Sett up perfect laws and regulations with adoption of domestic letter of credit ;
Preliminary Report on Cane Top as Cane Sett for Cultivation in Frost Area
Research on Mechanics Calculation Mode of Carriageway Paved with Small-size Sett
( also sett ) rectangular paving stone producer 's textured yarn
The setts is have no relevance to food sources and vegetation cover .
To June 2009 , there are 5 setts have been seriously damaged .
The dissertation discusses security policies and security constraint consistency . We sett security conflict by detecting constraint conflict and adjusting the policies . 4 .
To do this , set the-webkit-column-count style , and sett the accompanying-webkit-column-rule style to get the separators .
Most efficient way of locking Settings along with Access setup , Sett . wizard , Phone setup , Profiles , Bluetooth , Clock of your phone .
The results showed that the population chlorophyll content , cane yield and economic effectiveness in the plant density 52500 setts / ha were higher than those in all other densities .
Gneiss , cut or sawn with a flat or even surface ( excl. setts , kerbstones and flagstones )
Granite , further worked than roughly split or squared ( excl. setts , kerbstones and flagstones )
Therefore , the paper discusses and develops the component-based cost management information system for enterprises of research type in integrated environment on the basis of Southwestern Electron and Telecom Technology institution ( SETT ) 's ERP project .
Conclusion The three exercise prescriptions can depress the production of MDA in organism and increase the capability of SOD , GSH and GSH-PX in eliminating free radical . Among the three exercise prescriptions , the effect of body building sett is the most obvious .
After 12 weeks exercise , compared with pre-exercising , MDA in body building sett group and treading footboard group were decreased ( P < 0.05 ), and MDA in hexagram boxing group was not significantly decreased ( P > 0.05 ) .