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  1. The ROIs are combined and projected to the horizontal direction . The single region of traffic light is located by the valley .


  2. Users can also assign costs to resources in order to understand ROIs for alternative scenarios .


  3. Block Covered Gray Masking for Multiple ROIs with Arbitrary Shape


  4. The difference between left and right side of DTI parameters of 5 ROIs was compared using t-test .


  5. Multiple Arbitrary Shape ROIs Coding Framework Using ISA-DWT


  6. Detecting regions of interest ( ROIs ) is the base step for object 's feature extraction , identification and tracking .


  7. ROIs were placed diffusedly in the tumor and the mean ADC value was measured .


  8. The actived volume and intensity of the ROIs in patients and abnormal people are enhanced after training . 3 .


  9. A new algorithm combined with Canny operator and Freeman code is proposed to locate the ROIs of hand vein images .


  10. Whatever the countermeasures you choose to increase the ROIs , it is important to integrate the countermeasures in all phases of a Web service development life cycle .


  11. In this article , you 'll see the different methods of calculating ROIs of SOAs , and how to compare and choose ROIs .


  12. Regions of interest ( ROIs ) were defined entirely on functional criteria and confirmed independently by the location of the maximum activity on the MRI .


  13. In this step , we use the strategy of combining the k nearest neighbor classifier and mutual information to judge if the two ROIs are visual similar .


  14. 75.6 % / 79.1 % of ROIs were correctly classified when training and testing in a re substitution as well as a jackknife procedure .


  15. You will see examples of how you can calculate ROIs to determine the cost effectiveness of a countermeasure or even the implementation of a Web service in the SOAs .


  16. Firstly , the candidate regions of obstacle ( ROIs ) were detected based on multi-scale singularity analysis with WTMM and multi-features combination of obstacle knowledge .


  17. On the way to Bethlehem , three Saints carried with a kind of mixed cream cakes that 's what people called Galette des Rois at present .


  18. We tended to use a B-mode image based speckle tracking technique to track ROIs along the sequence , which takes advantage of the uniqueness and stability of the speckle pattern .


  19. Significant difference was found between splenium of corpus callosum and the other ROIs ( P < 0.05 ), except genu of corpus callosum .


  20. Finally , the ROIs are taken as the upper approximation of original ROIs . ( 2 ) A ROI extraction algorithm based on conventional region growth algorithm and RS theory is presented .


  21. Since the abnormal images only account for 0.5 % of all the images , the designed system can not only screen out the normal image but also search for ROIs in the suspicious images .


  22. This afternoon , our French chorus came to the Novotel hotel to celebrate the Galette des Rois with French friends who stay in Beijing .


  23. Sequential Discrimination with Multi-Features to Remove False ROIs in SAR ATR Treatment of Acute Leukemia with Methods of Chinese Materia Medica Consecutive Therapy Based on Differentiating Disease Stages Combined with Chemo-therapy


  24. On the other hand , the results can be introduced into SAR Image interpreting system as the replacing target detection and discrimination models with layer ROIs ( region of interest ) in order to provide potential target chips .


  25. Epiphany ( la fte des Rois ) is usually celebrated the 6th of January , but in some places in France it is celebrated the first Sunday after January 1st .


  26. ROIs ( Region of interests ) were drawn in imagings of tumor and symmetry in skull planar scan , and the radioactivity ratios of lesion-to-normal tissue ( T / N ) were calculated .


  27. Effect of Ammonia-N on the content of reactive oxygen species ( ROIs ) and the activities of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and catalase ( CAT ) in haemolymph of Chlamys farreri was studied .


  28. Transcription factor NF κ B has been implicated in the regulation of a variety of inducible gene expression in response to oxidative stress , and it results in myocardial ischemia / reperfusion injury with reactive oxygen intermediates ( ROIs ) .


  29. However , in eastern and northern France , the Christmas season begins on 6 December , la fte de Saint Nicolas , and in some provinces la fte des Rois is one the most important holidays of the Christmas season .
