- 网络里斯

Ries says a bulkier shell might be more resistant to crushing by predators .
But Ries points out that this coping mechanism takes energy how much isn 't known which could have side effects such as diverting energy from maintaining an immune response .
The original design was free of advertisements , and was designed by Dan Ries .
The picture shows the trade between China and Asian ries as well as its proportion in Chinese total foreign trade volume .
I 'm always tellings to ries about things that never happened .
Since most ries already have too many laws , a pause for parliamentary reflection might as progress .
Studies on Managerial Culture : Theo ries and Methodologies
The giant lady with the torch has been welcoming people from many ries for a hundred years .
The picture shows the geographical position of40 ries in East Asia , Southeast Asia , South Asia and West Asia .
Basis , method and results of seismic safety appraisal for 3 buildings with increased sto - ries and their different strengthening countermeasures are expounded .
The serious landscape pollution in the Tai Lake district of Changzhou City is caused by abandoned quar - ries .
Methods : Reports and literatures were consulted , and some preparation laborato ries in hospital pharmacy were investigated .
They fantasize to set up their own count ries and realize their ideal , from which the electronic frontier art originated .
I stepped out of the room and she left the toilet ries in the bathroom and vacuumed .
Through analyzing and comparing the home status and abroad management system of medical risk inju - ries , the author proposed to establish a social security system of medical risk injuries .
With a colorful team whose members come many ries , CFMANJ is dedicated to creating a harmonious work environment and values every employee 's training and development enormously .
" The take-home message is that the responses to ocean acidification are going to be a lot more nuanced and complex than we thought ," Ries says .
Kofi Annan , Former Secretary General of the United Nations said that the large-scale relief assistance China as a developing ry to disaster-hit ries was of great significance .
CNN editor Brian Ries successfully used it on friends , family members and a colleague , and in one instance was even able to see video of the people he was calling .
Brand identity is founded on the basis of Market Positioning theory set by famous America business master Al Ries , Jack Trout , and acts as an important branch theory aiming at Marketing .
Feasibility of alloy electroplating of d-block main elements is set forth on basis of such theo - ries as electrochemistry , complexing compound chemistry , atomic and crystal structure .
Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet does not coincide with Aristotle 's tragic theo - ries : it is more like a comedy .
This paper summa - ries a lot of studies by many scholars , points out existing problems and propose a new conceptual model , which set a foundation for a new indicators system with output and process dimensions .
The basic assumptions and associated properties of the two methods are contrasted and illustrated by a se - ries of simulations under two different sampling schemes , namely mixture sampling scheme and separate sampling scheme .
If the company moves quickly , an approach Valley entrepreneur Eric ries explained in the 2011 book the lean startup , failure is acceptable so long as you learn and can fix your mistakes .
And that of Invent-Fischer is in the capability of producing both high quality PA-6 civil chip , and high viscosity of PA-6 chip through the solid condensation polymerization process in se - ries .
I was very angry about this letter.There were a lot of sto - ries about Elizabeth and Robert Dudley.They were good friends - he often danced and sang and talked with her .
When Kangxi came to theign , he took it as the task of top priority to cut down to state the Three ries . His suppression of the Three Feudatories was helpful to the integration of the nation .
This paper presents the quality management of ISO 9000 and the quality guarantee standard se - ries and the formation process , the scope of adaptability , management target and standard level for the HSE petroleum industry health , safety and evironment management .
The conception and researching contents for CMOT ( Computational & Mathematics Organization The - ory , also called COT ) is introduced , and the basic theo - ries and methodologies in the field of Organizational Ad - aptation are summarized .