- n.雷金

Invisible Image , a Strategy for the Development of West Regin
A solution for the small coin magnetic field distribution in far Regin
Initial Analysis for Henan Yellow River Xiaolangdi Landscape Regin Planting Plan
Combination of Farm Machinary with Agronomy ─ A Study on new Cropping system in Western Regin of JiLin Province
Research of Lightening-Protected Measure and Analysis of Substation Transformer Lightening-stroke incidence in Mountain Regin
Education system is one of the major ways to accumulate human resource stock in a country of regin and also is an important base of economy development .
A geographical regin of northeastern South America including Guyana and Surinam .
A Comparison Study of the Physiological Virtues of Leaf Remains after Summer Trimming for Good Mulberry Varieties in Panxi Regin
He overheard four birds talking nearby and learned of Regin 's plan to kill him for the treasure .
Spreading resistance analysis indicates that the distri-bution of dopant is uniform in epitaxial films and steep in interface regin .
Doping of Y on La sites makes the semiconductor metal transitions move toward lower temperature regin and the peak resistance near the transition temperature greatly increases .
Arnlaug and Regin sat in front of a roaring fire waiting for the birth of the heir .
They were old fogy of the last regin of feudal society , they loyally safeguarded traditional culture , but they were dropped behind of current society .
Futures market sprout in Europe first , and present-day futures appeared at first in Chicago , a Midwest regin in U.S.A , at the beginning of the 19th century .
Ordos basin is one of the largest continental sedimentary basin in Mesozoic of the central regin in China , Yanchang formation of Upper Triassic in Ordos basin is a major oil and gas department .
Sigurd then cooked Fafnir 's heart , because Regin wished to eat it . Sigurd tasted the heart with his finger to make sure it was done .
The training with oxygen is an efficient exercise method that is less affected and constrained by circumstances , climate , regin , age , time , economic and healthy status of a trainer or a exerciser .
It shall enhance the developments of party itself , and advance the diathesis of the party of joining the regin , lawmaking control of the parties , govern the parties by to the law , realize party system by the rule of law .
To explain the output of China 's northeast regin and other regions in terms of market structure institutional mechanisms , an evolutionary institutional analysis framework and theory was put forward . The regional property rights structure was determined from the trade behavior of the government and dweller .
As payment for fixing Gram , Regin entrusted Sigurd with the task of killing Fafnir , Regin 's dwarf brother who had transformed into a dragon after killing his father over some cursed gold .
Objective To find out the polymorphism distribution of St14 ( DXS52 ) variable number of tandem repeat ( VNTR ) in normal individuals in the northeastern regin of China and hence provide a proof for the gene diagnosis of hemophilia A.
Our country is the source regin of the silk and the exportation of spun silk . But facing the fierce competition on international market , our industry of spun silk exit many problems on material , technicology , equipment , technics , management as well as product .
On level distrbution , there are five regions of more species distribution : Altay Mountain Region , West Mountain Region of Junggar , Centre West Tianshan Mountain Region , East Tianshan Mountains Regin , Kunlun Mountains Regin and Pamir plateau , and rare distribution in other regions .