- n.严格控制;严格管理;严密组织

She rebelled against the regimentation of school life .
Democracy is incompatible with excessive , bureaucratic regimentation of social life .
Theoretical Calculation and Program Design for Reasonable Regimentation of Farm Machinery
Supervise regimentation the protection fund of important resources and the management system of environment crisis and so on .
The method and skill of regimentation reference for bid quote
The degree of farmers regimentation is low and it is hard to guarantee the economic benefits ;
Every new political theory , by whatever name it called itself , led back to hierarchy and regimentation .
Discussion on the post setting and staff regimentation evaluation method for technical staff regimentation in university laboratory
We expound the outside the factors of the educational system from three sides : regimentation ; economy and culture .
Expounded the concept of the member regimentation .
They don 't want equality and regimentation .
Discipline without regimentation was Miss Bulstrode 's motto .
Sixthly , deepen personnel regime reformation , innovate administrative examining system , reform financial management system , and build civil servant property supervising regimentation .
Like millions of young people around the world , she must suffer isolation and regimentation for the opportunity to help her family and accomplish her dreams .
Looked with a jaundiced eye on the growth of regimentation ; takes a jaundiced view of societies and clubs .
Chapter 2 : Based on analysis of RTIS construction principle , regimentation frame and organization system , the author illustrates the inter-promotion relation between RTIS , regional industry concentration and regional economy development .
The reality reasons that make the politic subjectivity decline are as such : the fall-down of economy , confinement of politics regimentation , the barrier of moral culture mentality .
The last rule for positioning a brand in China is that products must address the need to navigate the crosscurrents of ambition and regimentation , of standing out while fitting in .
The paper expatiates on the concept and regimentation of sports tourism . After analyzing the current development situation of tourism and sports tourism , the author proposes the countermeasures for further development of sports tourism in our country .
With regard to habitat factors , average precipitation 、 NDVI 、 plow regimentation and average temperature are positive correlation with labor migration while per land area and altitude are negative correlation with labor migration .
The protagonist Si'r , a bright , impulsive 14-year-old , is enrolled in a secondary school where the uniforms and regimentation provide an unforced parallel to military rule .
In fact , his need for strict regimentation is so strong that he develops medical troubles in the center of the body from personalizing a stiffness that increases tension on the inner organs .
Citizens are driven by an ever-present conflict between standing out and fitting in , between ambition and regimentation . In Chinese society , individuals have no identity apart from obligations to , and acknowledgment by , others .
Trust regimentation is the best way to resolve the above questions after the Law of Trust come into operation on October 1st 2001.The operation in MBO and ESOP is quite different between China and abroad and it has been explained in the thesis .
The asset-election behaviors of the micro-units , such as denizens , enterprises and financial institutions , have changed greatly since the open of China , the changes of regimentation , the development of financial innovation and the integration of the global economy during 21 century .
This can lead to resistance to change and to stagnation , a constant concern . The reality reasons that make the politic subjectivity decline are as such : the fall-down of economy , confinement of politics regimentation , the barrier of moral culture mentality .