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The fries are made from pellets of pulverised potato .
Microcomputer Automatic Control System of Pulverised Coal Boiler GW - ⅱ
Preliminary establishment of model for judging difficulty and easiness of pulverised coal ignition
The study on formations of so_2 and NOx during pulverised coal combustion
Pulverised rock will climb as a dust cloud into the atmosphere .
The particle morphology of pulverised fly ash ( pfa ) and its physical properties
The museums may look splendid , but , around them , history is being pulverised .
Application of solid powder lubrication technique for intermediate bearings used in spiral pulverised coal transporting machines at power plants
Numerical simulation of the pulverised coal combustion and no_x emission in a FRONT-WALL fired boiler
This study is meaningful to understand in-depth the behaviour characteristics of pulverised and micro-pulverised coal before combustion .
was just pulverised eggshell , borax , alum and mill water ,
This is hardly surprising , given how Barclays pulverised its old culture over two decades , as it grew in investment banking .
In the last part of article , the author studies the surface characteristics of raw coal and semicoke of pulverised and micro-pulverised coal .
The ignition temperatures , combustible indexes and kinetics parameters of pulverised coals have been studied with the thermogravimetry .
Retrofit of a 75t / h pulverised coal fired boiler into a 100t / h circulating fluidized bed boiler
They accuse Nato of using eight rockets to carry out the attack , which pulverised a country estate west of the capital Tripoli .
Rescuers dug through hundreds of homes that have been pulverised by the storm , searching for survivors .
The result shows that proper quantity of KOH and NaOH can improve the combustion characteristics of pulverised and micro-pulverised coal and reduce apparent activated energy .
MacArthur , which is the leading exporter of a coking coal variety known as pulverised coal , has benefited from rising coal prices .
The surface fractional dimension value of three coals is between 2 and 3 . With reduction of particle size , specific area of pulverised coal increases and surface analysis dimension increases .
Abstract : Based on experimental studies of the segragation and flow resistance properties of bent tube type dense / lean pulverised coal burners , the paper deduces a cold state modeling criterion .
The mechanism of NOx formation in pulverised coal combustion is introduced in this paper . The concept of horizontal bias combustion ( HBC ) and its principle of reducing NOx emission are also described .
A modified k - ε model , a k - ε - kp gas-particle model and a EBU-Arrhenius model is applied in the simulation of turbulent free jet flow of pulverised coal combustion in different load cases .
Activities of online monitoring test for primary air / fuel on 900 MW boiler by using portable online instrument based on light inpulse method for monitoring pulverised coal in Bull Run Power Plant , Tennessee State of USA , have been presented .
Three kinds of pulverised and micro-pulverised coal show 3-peak SO2 emission course in process of combustion , but SO2 emission course of deashed sample is double peak course . Temperature range for peak value occurring is not same neither .
Meanwhile , by using gas chromatography / mass spetrometer , the author studies the precipitation characteristics of nitrogen - and sulphide-containing compound in pyrolysis process of pulverised and micro-pulverised coal and analyses the influences on precipitation by the above-mentioned factors .