- abbr.私人;privacy 秘密;privily 秘密地

Throughout the evening , Lady Gaga , winner of two Grammy Awards , dressed exclusively in Giorgio Armani Priv é .
If a directory / tmp / priv / USER exists , then that directory will be bind mounted over / tmp in the user 's private namespace .
However , after USER is logged in , the mount of / tmp / priv / USER onto / tmp should not be propagated to the parent namespaces .
some that operate as non-profits under the status of etablissement d'enseignement sup é rieur priv é d'int é r ê t g é n é ral ( private higher education institutions with a public interest ) ;
These include Spotify , an Anglo-Swedish music-streaming service with more than 10m registered users , and Vente Priv é e , a French clothing discounter with annual revenue of some $ 1 billion .
These include Spotify , an Anglo-Swedish music-streaming service with more than10m registered users , and Vente Priv é e , a French clothing discounter with annual revenue of some $ 1 billion .