- 网络糖果盒;沥青;皮礼士;皮礼士糖;奔萨

PEZ : But it took you a few years to find your feet at senior level .
She makes a Pez Dispenser out of him .
Where Pez comes into the story is that , at the time Omidyar launched AuctionWeb , his future wife was big into Pez and traded a lot on AuctionWeb .
To find her , you get off at Metro Salto del Agua and head north on bustling Calle L ó pez .
The " story " of eBay has become legendary , with its creation supposedly stemming from a programmer named Pierre Omidyar wanting to give his wife a platform to trade her Pez dispensers .
The 22 year-old joined the Spanish Army in 2011 . Despite having being named the most handsome man in the world , Mr L ó pez has no intention of giving up his army profession .
Co-founder Aritz L ó pez told Eater that the inspiration for the unique color of the wine came from Blue Ocean Strategy , a book written by W. Chan Kim , a Korean-born business theorist .