- a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right)
- suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males
- Synonym: prerogative privilege exclusive right
- an incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment (especially if it is regarded as a right)
- a limousine is one of the fringe benefits of the job
- Synonym: fringe benefit perk
Politics used to be the perquisite of the property-owning classes .
Politics in Britain used to be the perquisite of the property-owning classes .
Perquisites include the use of the company car .
To motivate senior executives , perquisites or special benefits are also important .
A sound educational environment is the perquisite for the overall healthy development of higher vocational colleges .
People climbed hierarchies in search of power , status , money and perquisites .
Mechanism of scientific management is the perquisite for local schools to achieve success in teachers ' training program .
She gets various perquisites in addition to her wages .
They are rewarded in pay , power and perquisites .
He gets a number of perquisites , over and above his salary .
Distinguishing the primary factors from environmental influential factors affecting logging-while-drilling resistivity is a perquisite to environmental correction .
To reinforce ecological civilization construction is the modernization of China 's perquisites , that is to say we have to choose this way .
Politics was the perquisite of the upper class ( Richard B.Sewall )
Others valued perquisites such as healthcare benefits , better retirement benefits , and a better work-life balance over extra pay .
These are the perquisites designed to lure the brightest university graduates away from their ivory towers .
The result indicated that ultra thick perquisite base thinner LZC-C-02 in the increment is 250ppm ;
The existence of this perquisite of Safeguard Measure will be benefit for world trade liberalization and it is accordant with the purpose of WTO .
The loss of perquisites enjoyed by government officials and business executives pales in comparison to the plight of refugees in many war-torn countries .
Employers who know that their workers face high tax rates , endeavour to find ways of providing compensation in the form of tax-free perquisites rather than money income .
For an economic elite whose perquisites ultimately depend on the acquiescence of everybody else , it is a silly and dangerous pose to strike .
The Securities and Exchange Commission considers security at an executive 's residence or during personal travel a perquisite that should be disclosed if the value reaches a certain threshold .
We should not entrust important jobs to persons who have made grave mistakes and whose attitude remains bad ; they should be deprived of their current ranks and perquisites .
He gets a number of perquisites , over and above his salary . Wages and other related income are taxable at graduated rates and are also subject to withholding tax .
The forth part deals with the relationship between managers ' perks and characteristics of board of directors , analysis whether the monitor mechanism of board of directors can impact perquisites from the view of agency problem .
Their spending on security for CEO William R.Klesse last year totaled just $ 239 for a home-alarm monitoring service , a perquisite recently extended to all Valero workers .
The associated press calculates total pay based on salary , bonuses , incentives , perquisites , above-market returns on deferred compensation and the value of stock options and other awards granted during the year .
The precision of ore quality prediction in open pit imposes a direct impact on the comprehensive usage of ore. It is the original data for ore quality management , and perquisite & guarantee of the stability and evenness of output ore.
Second , in the state holding listed companies , reinforced government intervention may strengthen the relationship between monetary compensation and perquisite consumption ; in non-state holding listed companies , the influence of government intervention on the relationship between them is not significant .
However , before conducting investigations for titanium , a lubrication method was developed according to which a titanium oxide film with specific pore size and thickness was found to be an essential perquisite to avoid sticking of titanium to tool tip .
The blend is named after the2nd Earl Grey , British Prime Minister in the1830s , who reputedly received a gift , probably a diplomatic perquisite , of tea flavoured with bergamot oil .