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美 [ˈpɛntə]英 [pɛntə]
  • n.Penta公司;彭察
  1. Their rendezvous would be the Penta Hotel at Heathrow Airport .


  2. A New Development in Tone and Intonation Study & PENTA Model


  3. New Cementing technique of penta prism is mainly presented .


  4. Discussing The Principle of Adjust Collimator With Penta Prism Method


  5. Internal Morphology of Communication Networks ── A penta - gon of Concern


  6. Conclusions The PENTA stent appears to be safe and effective in treating coronary artery disease .


  7. The methods for selecting penta prism and reducing the effect of surface profile error on detection are introduced .


  8. Application of Penta Prism in Establishing the Datum Plane for ? Measuring Flatness in Large Scale Dimension


  9. Results show that salt content in farmlands meet to normal distribution and its spatial structure meet to a penta spherical function .


  10. Genetic polymorphisms of Penta D and E loci in Korean racial Chinese of Yanbian area in China


  11. Study on Penta - coordinated Germanium Compounds


  12. Application of penta prism in azimuth laying


  13. Death rate of charcot triad sign and penta sign were 19.2 % and 46.1 % . Conclusion Advanced age ?


  14. So , it 's a penta & what we call a pentatonic scale .


  15. Objective To study the primer design for Penta D and Penta E genotyping and investigate the genetic polymorphisms of these two loci in Chinese Han population in Wuhan .


  16. Beijing Yong Thai penta machinery and equipment moving company 's existing professional lifting equipment , forklifts , tanks , wheels , jack and other advanced equipment imported .


  17. Framework configuration of a positive dodecahedron ( rdfc ) - the geometric configuration of coexisting cubic lattice and penta - rotating symmetrical axis


  18. Synergistic scale-inhibition effect of Bis ( Hexamethylene Triamine Penta ( Methylene Phosphonic Acid )) and magnetic field on calcium carbonate Ca-aluminate-silicate base


  19. On leaving at 16 , he joined British Airways as a clerk and took an evening job as a wine waiter at the Heathrow Penta hotel .


  20. As a result , we found 20 alleles in the four nationalities with frequencies ranging from 0.0048 to 0.2396.The genotype frequencies of Penta E locus met Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium .


  21. The ortho-compound formed penta cyclic compound was more stable that the meta-compound formed hexa cyclic compound , so the reaction rate of the ortho-compound is larger .


  22. Diethylene Triamine Penta Methylene Phosphonic Acid ( DTPMP ) is applied to hydration resistance treatment of anodic oxide films , which treating method is same as that of ATMP .


  23. For larger peptides such as penta - , and hexapeptides , our calculations also show that some of their conformers must undergo significant structural changes , due to the confinement of the host .


  24. 10 and 21 alleles were observed for Penta D and Penta E in Chinese Han population in Wuhan , and the genotype distributions of the two loci were in accordance with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium .


  25. The penta factorial quadratic orthogonal rotary combination design was used to investigate the effects of sowing dates , planting densities and applied amounts of N , P 2O 5 and K 2O on yield , number and silique number of secondary branches in hybrid swede rapeseed .


  26. The disappearance and transfer behavior of polychlorinated biphenyl ( PCBs ) ( the mains of penta PCBs ) at higher concentrations ( 400 mg / kg ) bestrewed into semi field soil systems were studied under near field conditions ( semi dry climate in North China ) .
