- n.帕拉列

Development of NC System Based on Windows and Paralle Port of PC
Discussion of Reducing Influence of Current Paralle Negative Feedback Circuit
Principle of phase shift of paralle magnetic path and application in inverting power supply
A Decomposition and Paralle Algorithm for a Sort of Large Scale Minimization problems
A Calculation Method of Interstitial Flow Between Paralle Inclined Plates
Simulation and Experiment Research on the Power System of Mild Commercial Paralle Hybrid Eletrical Vehicle
Paralle Processing and Its Application in Design of Floating_ Point Add Unit
The Timing Trigger Control for Paralle Inverter Power Supply
Analysis of Characteristics and CMAC Neural Networks Controller of Electrohydraulic Servo System of the 6-DOF Paralle Platform
The evaluation of the programming model and the process of paralle code generation based on the model are described in detail in the thesis .
And on the IGBT mode , the method of calculating the paralle capacitor and the blocking capacitor is presented .
MPI is the shortening of Message Passing Interface . Now so many Paralle compute environments base on MPI technology .
With the system reform of electricity , the operation mode of electricity utility has progressively transferred from the vertical integrated monopoly to paralle in network through competition .
So , by introducing theories and methods of paralle computing into the filed of graphics processing , the parallel rendering became an important technology to implement high performance graphics rendering .
Dynamic rendering team acts as the basic rendering unit of the paralle rendering architecture , and it is composed of multiple PC nodes , including a master and various numbers of slaves .
The paper analyses the influence of current paralle negative feedback circuit by using the method of vernier equality circuit , and gets that noise characteristic of the circuit and the way of reducing noise influence of the circuit .
The paralle computing , based on the network partition , is an effective method to enhance the simulation speed of large-scale power grid . It breaks the bottleneck of difficulty to greatly enhance the simulation speed in traditional algorithm .
But the chip bus based SoC design encounters many problems , such as hard to synchronize the global clock , address space is limited , cannot support multi-node paralle communications , as well as the system expansion is not flexible enough .
Through establishing the dynamic model of intermittent paper feeding system of a die cutting machine and substituting the actual parameters for the model , the setting up of paralle index cam dynamic model which can be similar to general cam dynamic model is proved .