
Assessment of gold ore resources potential in eastern Shandong by the " p100 / q100 " law
Results In eyes of traumatic optic neuropathy , amplitude of P100 decreased and its latency delayed .
The assets I used are the stocks in the current OEX ( S & P100 ) index .
Testing results showed that rheology of the nano-CaCO_3 P100 after modification was almost the same as that of the sample .
There are no obvious difference in latent period ( P > 0.05 ), but distinct difference in amplitude of wave P100 when light amblyopia is compared with normal ( P
CONCLUSION : With the above regression formulation for the amplitude of P100 and vision under least signal visual angle , we can objectively expertize visual acuity .
RESULTS : We found the basis to expertize impersonal visual acuity that was the determination of least signal visual angle and determined the amplitude of P100 as the quantitative expertise index .
Previous studies in the valuation of American options apparently undervalue the right of early exercise . The empirical analysis of this paper uses actual prices from CBOE 's S & P100 option instead of model-generated values , which gets a linear regression equation .