
Oyu Tolgoi , the other copper mine operated by Rio , has brought more problems .
One , a copper-and-gold mine at Oyu Tolgoi ( see article ) is expected to start production in2013 .
Oyu Tolgoi is expected to be hugely profitable after it enters full production at the end of this decade .
Miners and investors point to the signing of the oyu Tolgoi investment agreement in October 2009 as the beginning of the current mining boom .
Its existing stake in Ivanhoe would give the Anglo-Australian miner a direct stake of about 20 per cent in oyu Tolgoi .
Oyu Tolgoi is the poster project for a national mining boom that sees Ulaanbaatar crawling with foreign miners and their investment bankers .
The only new mine that comes close is Rio Tinto 's Oyu Tolgoi in Mongolia , which will start commercial production in2013 and may eventually produce half that amount .
However , Rio disclosed last month that Chinalco , the Chinese mining company , may be interested in buying a stake in Ivanhoe or a direct stake in oyu Tolgoi .
In 1998 , three members conquered the 8201-meter Mount Cho Oyu on the China-Nepal border , as part of the celebration of the university 's 100th anniversary .
However , international mining executives have expressed deep frustration at slow progress in setting the terms of foreign involvement in projects such as oyu Tolgoi and the Tavan Tolgoi coalfield .
The Si-no-Mongolia geological contrastive researches have revealed that the metallogenic belt embracing the Oyu Tolgoi porphyry copper-gold orefield has extended into China 's Alax-Beishan Mountains .
Oyu Tolgoi , which is due to start up in 2013 , is expected to produce 544000 tonnes of copper and 650000 ounces of gold a year over its first decade , and operate for at least 27 years .
The move means Rio , the financier of the Mongolian mine at oyu Tolgoi near the Chinese border , faces the threat of dilution of its holding in Ivanhoe or the possibility that another miner may gain a foothold on the project .