- n.卵形的;尖顶部;累积曲线;弧头部;肩形图;卵形体

This provides a condition for shock and vortex interaction on an ogive cylinder body .
Dynamic Stress Experimental Investigation of Projectile Ogive of Armor-piercing Bomb under Shock Load
The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to read values from a cumulative frequency ogive .
Oblique penetration of an ogive - nosed rod into the aluminum target
Therefore , the engineering evaluation method of aerodynamic characteristics for the tow target with ogive nose is satisfied with engineering design .
The research of shock and vortex interaction on an ogive cylinder body at high ANGIES of attack
Calculated results of aerodynamic loads on a tangent - ogive forebody compare favorably with experimental data .
Do I have ogive the bank any collateral ?
Study on millimetric wave radome ogive made from composite materials ⅱ the forming process of radome ogive and its properties
The fixed expansion points of the general shroud allow a better definition of local shock locations than on ogive type shrouds .
An Experimental Investigation of the Magnus Effect of the Ogive Cylinder in the Supersonic Wind Tunnel Analysis of Surface Wave on an Ogive
The modified Baldwin Lomax algebraic turbulent model is used to numerically simulate high incidence vortical flows about a tangent ogive cylinder .
The armor penetration capability relating to false ogive thickness and material . The design should be reasonable thickness , should try to use small density and high strength materials as false ogive material .
Merit-Turning-Back The electromagnetic scattering characteristics of partially coated ogive have been calculated by hybrid method and many valuable results have been obtained through analysing the effects of the surface wave on ogive .
Deals with oblique penetration of ogive projectile for hard target , applicable in velocities ranging from 300 ~ 800m / s. The calculated results are in good agreement with the test data .
The backscattering results of benchmark targets such as big-sphere , NASA almond , ogive , double ogive and cone-sphere , are given in this paper , they agree very well with the measurement .
This paper mainly provides several two-parameter normal ogive models with simple structure : unidimensional IRT model , multi-unidimensional IRT model which has been called multidimensional model with simple structure or the between-items multidimensional and constrained multi-unidimensional model .
The models are applied to four hypersonic complex flows with shock wave / boundary layer interaction . These benchmark flows are : a 2 D supersonic compression corner flow , an ogive cylinder flare flow , and an oblique shock wave / turbulent boundary layer interaction .