- abbr.海军海上学员军训团(Naval Sea Cadet Corps);海军海上运输协调员(Navy Sea Cargo Coordinator)

Hunan province began building the country 's third National Supercomputing Center ( NSCC ) on Sunday .
The new NSCC will be housed in Hunan University in Changsha , and the construction is expected to be completed by the end of2011 .
Once completed , the NSCC in Changsha will add to the world 's eight quadrillion-level supercomputing centers and national labs .
2010-11-29 Central China 's Hunan Province began building the country 's third National Supercomputing Center ( NSCC ), where the world 's fastest supercomputer , the Tianhe-1A , will be installed .
As the most important parts in the process of national economic working , how to solve the tri-farmers problems ; to improve the rural economic development and lift rural incomes become close to the New Socialist Countryside Construction ( NSCC ) .