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  • 网络窄线区
  1. Comparing to image studies , spectroscopy isa traditional tool in the NLR study .


  2. Based on the NLR method , we have proposed the simplification principle of variable mean value and two-wave method .


  3. The reactors had relatively strong simultaneous nitrification and denitrification capacity , the influences of OLR , NLR , DO and pH on the nitrogen removal were significant .


  4. High-resolution surface images and measurements made by NEAR 's Laser Rangefinder ( NLR ) have been combined into the above visualization based on the derived3D model of the tumbling space rock .


  5. In this paper the basic construction and the use of the calibration tank of CARIA are briefly presented together with the some comparisons between CARIA calibration tank and NLR calibration tank .


  6. According to the simplified unification model of active galactic nuclei ( AGN ), assuming that the gas in the NLR is spherically distributed , V-shape morphology ( ionization cone ) is expected to be observed in Seyfert 2 galaxy .
