
  • adj.网状的
  1. The Measuring Means of Resistance Strain for Moving Low of the Netty Valve Leaf


  2. Netty Relation Figure of the Crystal Aluminium Chloride in the Shell Mold Hardening


  3. Recuperation and utilization of chromium in the waste water of electronic netty board developer


  4. Netty thermal fatigue crack will occurs when two principal stress and two principal plastic strains are approximately equal to each other .


  5. Objective To observe the efficacy of treatment of benign prostate hypertrophy ( BPH ) with netty stent .


  6. Methods Netty stent placement was performed on 42 cases of BPH , and the patients were followed up for 6 months .


  7. Repetition and Rewrite & The Biblical Archetype of Netty in The Color Purple


  8. In other words , Netty is a NIO client server framework which enables quick and easy development of network applications such as protocol servers and clients .


  9. Peter Hazel said that he and his wife Netty found Shaun wandering in scrubland on their property last Sunday .


  10. There is no a web server plug-in for Netty servers bundled with the Play framework , so be sure to check your system requirements at the beginning of the project .


  11. The invent and revelation of the works of the famous ceramist Netty of the Netherlands has formed the space structure of virtuality and reality .


  12. The communication module is the core part of the data communication framework . It implemented the function which the client can communicate with the cloud platform by using Netty network communication framework and calling the API that provided by Netty .


  13. At the same time , the commercialization of the silk fabrics manufacture brought the development of the silk fabrics trade and the relevant production . It precipitated the rudiments and formation of the netty market which kinds of departments relied on one another .
