
美 [nekt]英 [nekt]
  • v.搂着脖子亲吻;相拥互吻
  • adj.收缩的;变窄的
  • neck的过去分词和过去式



  • 1
    N-COUNT 颈;脖子
    Your neck is the part of your body which joins your head to the rest of your body.

    She threw her arms round his neck and hugged him warmly...


  • 2
    N-COUNT 衣领;领口
    The neck of an article of clothing such as a shirt, dress, or sweater is the part which surrounds your neck.

    ...the low, ruffled neck of her blouse...


  • 3
    N-COUNT (瓶子、吉他等的)颈状部位,细长部分,颈部
    The neck of something such as a bottle or a guitar is the long narrow part at one end of it.

    Catherine gripped the broken neck of the bottle.


  • 4
    V-RECIP 搂着脖子亲吻;相拥而吻
    If two people are necking, they are kissing each other in a sexual way.

    They sat talking and necking in the car for another ten minutes...


  • 5
    N-SING (赛马)以微弱优势(获胜),险(胜)
    If a horse wins a race by a neck, it wins by a very small distance.

    Cee En Cee went on to win by a neck from Leigh Crofter.


  • 6
    PHRASE 密切监视;紧紧盯住
    If you say that someone is breathing down your neck, you mean that they are watching you very closely and checking everything you do.

    Most farmers have bank managers breathing down their necks.


  • 7
    PHRASE (尤指选举中)并驾齐驱,难分高低
    In a competition, especially an election, if two or more competitors are neck and neck, they are level with each other and have an equal chance of winning.

    The latest polls indicate that the two main parties are neck and neck...


  • 8
    PHRASE (常指为实现某事)冒险
    If you say that someone is risking their neck, you mean they are doing something very dangerous, often in order to achieve something.

    I won't have him risking his neck on that motorcycle.


  • 9
    PHRASE 保全(某人的工作或声誉)
    To save someone's neck means to prevent them from losing their job or harming their reputation.

    He had enough friends in the right places to save his neck and cover up for him...


  • 10
    PHRASE 担风险;找麻烦;惹祸
    If you stick your neck out, you bravely say or do something that might be criticized or might turn out to be wrong.

    During my political life I've earned myself a reputation as someone who'll stick his neck out, a bit of a rebel.


  • 11
    PHRASE 担负;缠住
    If you say that you have something round your neck or around your neck, you mean that it is your responsibility and it causes you a lot of worry.

    No-one should start working life with a debt round their neck...


  • 12
    PHRASE 深深陷入,被卷入(麻烦、罪行等)
    If you say that someone is in some sort of trouble or criminal activity up to their neck, you mean that they are deeply involved in it.

    The black market was flourishing, everybody was corrupt, in it up to their necks...


  • 13
    PHRASE 地段;附近地区
    Someone or something that is from your neck of the woods is from the same part of the country as you are.

    It's so good to see you. What brings you to this neck of the woods?


  • 14
    to have a millstone round your neck→ see:millstone


having a neck or having a neck especially as specified (often used in combination)


  1. Artificial breeding and commodity production of ring necked Pheasant in Yunnan


  2. He had necked with his wife for long passionate hours .


  3. A Wearing Characteristics Analysis of the Turtle - necked Pullover and Parameter Optimization


  4. Comparison of Ring Necked Pheasants and Jungle Fowl in Early Growth Performance


  5. Others suggest a long necked seal or giant otter .


  6. He reminded her , for no specific reason , of a long necked bird .


  7. Objective To report and evaluate the methods and results of embolization of 46 cases of intracranial wide necked aneurysms .


  8. Rhizomes consistently short necked , culms always forming a single clump .


  9. The reason why necked size of the device is far larger than the coherence length of the material has been discussed .


  10. Objective To evaluate endovascular treatment for distal intracranial wide necked aneurysms with microwire assisted coiling technique .


  11. The stiff - necked old Brahmin returned to Boston .


  12. For linearly strain-softening ductile metal material in uniaxial tension , the analytical solution of diameter in necked region was proposed .


  13. Objective To assess the method , technique key , effects and the prospect of clinical use of the intervenient treatment for intracranial wide necked aneurysms .


  14. We necked for a bit .


  15. In China , Black - necked Bar - tailed pheasant has only been recorded from western Guangxi and west , south and central Yunnan .


  16. Studies on Physiological Ecology of short - necked clam ( ruditapes philippinarum ) ⅱ . effects of temperature , and food on assimilation efficiency


  17. Another form of coffee infusion , this method uses a long handled narrow necked device where very fine , powdery coffee grounds are placed with sugar and water .


  18. Objective To summarize our clinical experiences on treatment of wide necked intracranial aneurysms with balloon assisted Guglielmi detachable coil ( GDC ) placement .


  19. Conclusions Using stent combined with GDC to treat wide necked intracranial aneurysm may prevent the herniation of GDC into the parent artery and improve the outcome .


  20. We also argued that avoiding directly conflict , meeting the needs of displaying and ensuring survival are the biological purpose of ring - necked pheasant s territory .


  21. Studies on Breeding of Reintroduction Black - Necked Bar - Tailed Pheasant ( Syrmaticus Humiae ) by Radio Tracking


  22. A long necked giraffe is a warning to all who will hear it that it is better not to reach out and interfere with other peoples business unless you are asked .


  23. From view of needs , directing against the bottle necked problem exists in enterprise and based on CIMS thinking this paper puts forth a model of MIS / EDS system integration for aggregate machine tool industry .


  24. Objective To report experience of endovascular stenting combined with coiling for intracranial wide necked aneurysms and to investigate its indication , technical tip , prevention and treatment of complication , safety and efficacy .


  25. A trial with 2 factor quadratic regression right cross design was conducted to study the influence of dietary , lysine ( Lys ) and methionine ( Met ) levels on performance and feather growth of ring - necked pheasants from 9 to 6 weeks old .


  26. Harman , who like Hillary Clinton favours trouser suits , has advocated dress - down days in the house of Commons , though last weekend she described Conservative Party policies as " back to basics with an open - necked shirt " .


  27. Methods Twenty five patients with ruptured small wide necked aneurysms were treated with this procedure including 12 aneurysms located in anterior communicating artery , 12 in bifurcation of middle cerebral artery and 1 in PICA . Microcatheters were firstly introduced into the aneurismal sacs .


  28. Kate 's ethereal lace dress was high necked and the severity of its cut was echoed by the formal chignon . Kate and William use a sword to cut a special cake for the Queen at a party to celebrate her 90th in New Delhi .


  29. The results demonstrated that the content of AK of crustaceans , such as grass prawn , white-leg shrimp and mantis shrimp were higher , as to the mollusca and bivalvia such as short necked clam , oyster , squid et al . , the content were however lower .
