- n.出生率(每年每1 000人的出生人数)

Reduction of competition for food stimulates both natality and survival .
Natality and yearly increase rate of the deer population decreased year by year as the population size increased .
Study on Main Manifestation and Its Contemporary Meanings of the Traditional Morality of Yi Natality
This ' natality depression ' reached its maximum levels about 6 months after the pandemic peak of the previous autumn .
It has been shown that in many clonal perennials , when light is limiting , shoot natality decreases and shoot mortality increases with increasing stand density .
The paper expatiates that the high quality service of family planning is promoted by preventing venereal disease and aids and intervening natality abnormality , based on the technology service of family planning .
Not only have solar activities a close relationship with the incidences of plague and epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis , but also high correlation with onco-genesis and infant natality and mortality .
We focused on the age structure and natality . Environmental and cluster temperatures as well as worker bees foraging intensity were observed continuously . The influence of these factors on population dynamics were analysised deeply .
The dip in birth rates in spring of 1919 was followed by ' a compensatory natality increase in late autumn 1919 and early spring 1920 , when natality significantly exceeded the expected rates . '
The results of stable age-distribution , instantaneous natality , instantaneous mortality of water chestnut beetle at different temperatures shovved : the percentage of the immature was quite high , more than 85 % .