
The kinetics of dephosphorization was studied by using CaO-FetO-SiO2 - ( Al2O3 , Na2O ) slags .
ω( Na2O + K2O ) 0.17 ~ 1.47 % , the majority less than 0.5 % ;
The vitrified binder of low soft temperature was prepared by using Na2O 、 B2O3 、 SiO2 as basic ingredients and some CaO as additive .
The manufacture method of waterglass ( Na2O . n SiO2 ) made of white carbon black ( SiO2 ) was reported . The experimental results demonstrated that the high quality waterglass could be obtained .
The results show that with the appropriate increase of precipitation time and decrease of temperature , the initial alumina concentration and molar ratio of Na2O / Al2O3 ( MR ) can obtain higher ratio of seeded decomposition .
Improving carbonization temperature or choosing reasonable gas ventilating system may reduce the liquor supersaturation , and then the coarse grain aluminium trihydroxide with good crystallization and low content of impurities ( Na2O , SiO2 ) can be produced .
When CaF2 and ( K2O + Na2O ) are decreased to about 2.52 % and 0.19 % respectively , the viscosity and melting temperature of slag is reduced to the values close that of common BF slag .
The alkali equivalent ( count as Na2O ), module of water glass , water / binder ratio , binder / aggregate ratio , finess of slag and standard curing age all affect the carbonation of AASC mortars .
The age is Miocene Epoch . K2O / Na2O is greater than 1 and the ore forming material consists of deep seated mantle derived material mixed with crust-derived material . The volcanic rocks formed and evolved during continent intraplate orogeny .
With the development of molar charge ratio of Na2O / SiO2 , the crystallinity of the zeolite molecular sieve increases . But when the molar charge ratio of Na2O / SiO2 is over 1.5 , the crystallinity descends with the increase of alkali .
Diabase dikes exposed on the northwestern margin of the Tarim basin contain 44.34 % - 49.3 % SiO2 have higher values of Na2O + K2O ( 4.32 % - 6.04 % ) and Na2O / K2O ( 2.23-9.15 ), showing the features of intraplate basalt .