- n.桑椹胚(体)
- morula的复数

Comparison of Efficacy Between Two Vitrification Solutions for Mouse Morulae
Study by Ultrarapid Freezing Method and Evaluation of Viability of Rabbit Morulae
A Simple Method for Cryopreservation of Mouse Compacted Morulae by Vitrification
Study on the developing potential of mouse morulae produced in vitro or in vivo after vitrification
Effect of Bio-Frequency Spectrum on Development of Mouse Vitrified Morulae in vitro
Attachment of the Rabbit Morulae and Early Blastocysts on the Feeder Layer
Effects of Bio Frequency Spectrum on Development of Mouse Morulae after Vitrification in Vitro and in Vivo
Osmotic and cryoprotective effect of glycerol sucrose solutions on mammalian morulae
Ninety five nuclear transplanted morulae and blastocysts were transferred to 33 synchronous recipients .
Developmental capacity of mechanically bisected mouse morulae and blastocysts
Sexing of Mouse Morulae Vitrified by OPS Method with Diplex , Nested PCR
The optimal conditions of embryonic cell fusion and oocyte activation and enucleation to improve nuclear transplantation in the rabbit 32 - cell morulae were extensively studied .
However , the morulae / blastocyst formation rate of fibroblasts was significantly lower than cumulus granulosa cells and oviduct epithelial cells after fused ( P0.05 ) .
Rates of fertilization and morulae / blastocysts in oocytes with fully expanded cumulus were significantly higher than those in oocytes with poorly expanded cumulus .
Under this dehydration condition , 73 68 % and 80 56 % of rabbit morulae developed to blastocysts in vitro after ultrarapid freezing .
42 morulae and 13 blastocysts were frozen in 1 M glycerol / PBS in the RPE freezer .
The above results showed that OPS vitrified mouse morulae could be successfully diluted and transfered by in-straw method , and it will provide a model for ET in small ruminant .
In comparison with bisection of frozen-thawed morulae , bisection of frozen-thawed blastocysts in sucrose solution can improve survival rate of demi-embryos ( P < 0.05 ) .
The distribution of fibronectin in human oocyte and 2-cell to morulae embryos was also investigated , and the possible roles of fibronectin in fertilization , the development of early embryo and implantation were also discussed .
Two stage embryos were observed their effect on production of chimera . The result shows that there is a significant different ( 0.01 P 0.05 ) between blastocysts ( including early blastocysts and morulae ) and expanded blastocysts .
26.9 % , 13.0 % , 48.8 % and 29.2 % of the 2 - , 4 - , 8-cell embryos and morulae developed normally after micromanipulation , respectively . 8 cell stages show the best development in vitro .
A total of 45 goats , 42 Guanzhong dairy goats and 3 Boer goats , were superovulated with a result of total 341 embryos including 26 embryos of 4-cell to 16-cell , 144 morulae , 108 blastocysts and 63 hatched blastocysts .
The demi-embryos development rates of yeanling group ( including morulae 、 blastocyst ) were higher than multiparity sheep group ( 68 . 8 % vs68 . 2 % x 85 . 7 % vs81 . 8 % , P > 0.05 ) .
The experiment showed that the culture system of SOF + 10 % FCS facilitates the cleavage of parthenogenetic porcine embryos . NCSU-23 supplemented with FCS and granulosa cell improved the development of porcine parthenogenetic embryos and the rate of morulae / blastocysts ( P < 0.05 ) .
The results indicated that : The blastocyst rates of demi-embryos in 0 . 2molS + PBS group ( including morulae 、 blastocyst ) were higher than PBS group ( 68 . 2 % vs58.3 % x 81 . 8 % vs80 . 0 % , P0 . 05 ) ;