- 网络中华人民共和国商务部

MOFCOM shall be responsible for the investigation and determination of injury .
There is no need to apply to the central mofcom .
MOFCOM also used information technology to provide comprehensive , updated and authoritative commercial information service to both Chinese and foreign businesses .
MOFCOM shall provide opportunities for all interested parties concerned to present their views and supporting arguments .
MOFCOM may suggest price undertakings to the exporter .
" Mofcom " means the Ministry of Commerce of China or any of its predecessors .
The Ministry of Commerce ( MOFCOM ) shall make greater efforts in terms of the random inspection of the said materials .
In fact , at present , almost all foreign invested financial leasing companies are approved and governed by mofcom .
The export of controlled chemicals is subject to examination by the State Development and Reform Commission , in coordination with the MOFCOM .
Some theorists believe MOFCOM is waiting for the mood music between Beijing and Washington to improve before clearing the deal .
He also mentioned that the medical equipment operating permit will be a pre-condition to MOFCOM or its local branch 's approval .
MOFCOM also banned InBev from acquiring shares in two other major domestic breweries , China Resources Snow and Beijing Yanjing .
MOFCOM also ruled that the proposed Pfizer-Wyeth combination would restrict competition in the local market for animal health products , in particular swine vaccines .
MOFCOM will , according to the overall state policy on rare earth industry development , assume its own responsibilities mainly in the areas of circulation and exports .
Lawyers said that , by imposing future conditions on a deal that did not harm competition , MOFCOM had broken new ground in international antitrust decision-making .
MOFCOM has consulted widely and acted in a transparent manner before issuing guidelines , and that is a welcome change from previous practice .
Before the final determinations are made , MOFCOM shall inform all known interested parties of the essential facts on which the final determinations are based .
MOFCOM has the right to determine that a threat of injury is more likely to be realized if the exporters continue dumping the imports .
As for the countervailing investigations of industry injury involving agricultural products , the responsibility shall be taken jointly by the MOFCOM and the Ministry of Agriculture .
Yao Jian : Recently , I also noticed the figure , and I shared the opinion of MOFCOM last September here in terms of economic aggregate .
According to the statistics by MOFCOM , from January to March , 5,937 new foreign-invested enterprises were approved in China , up8.8 % year on year .
It means sdhk will need to obtain MOFCOM approval in order to legally execute relevant lease agreement and carry out CyberKnife financial leasing activities .
The request for the provision of deposits , guaranty letter or other forms of guaranty shall be decided on and announced by the MOFCOM .
The MOFCOM may , when considering it necessary , send functionaries to the relevant country for conducting the investigation , except where the relevant country concerned objects to the investigation .
A FDI project proposal in the " Permitted " category under the Catalogue with a proposed total investment of more than US $ 100 million still needs the approval of MOFCOM .
However , in a single-page ruling , MOFCOM also imposed a number of unanticipated restrictions that will prevent InBev acquiring further interests in four key players in the Chinese beer market .
The country 's ministry of commerce ( Mofcom ) has made three landmark decisions involving foreign companies since new laws were introduced last August , two of which related to global deals with limited connection to China .
Antitrust lawyers give China 's ministry of commerce ( Mofcom ), the body in ultimate charge of enforcing the legislation , credit for the transparent manner in which the legislation is evolving .
The official one-page rejection was produced by the Ministry of Commerce ( Mofcom ), as guardian of the country 's anti-monopoly laws which were beefed up last August .
Names of issuing bodies , pattern and format of licenses and special seals shall be published separately , jointly by the MOFCOM , the Customs General Administration , and the AQSIQ .