- n.卵(膜)孔,壳孔

Through anatomizing oviposition room and damaged phloem tissue in Tilia mongolica and observing the changing situation of oviposition room and eggs , phloem ray and outflow from medullary ray not only play role on miniature oviposition room , but also directly point towards surface of egg and micropyle .
Building of Mathematical Model of Unusual Structure on Teleost 's Micropyle
Structure of micropyle in Gossypium hirsutum and the pathway of pollen tube growth
17 ~ 21 hours the pollen tube reached the embryo sac through the micropyle ;
The micropyle is formed with inner integuments and partial outer integument .
The sperm entry site beneath the micropyle is specialized and derived from the plasma membrane of the egg .
( of a plant ovule ) completely straight with the micropyle at the apex .
( of a plant ovule ) curved with the micropyle near the base almost touching its stalk .
Our investigations indicate that the structure of the micropyle changes with the different stages of the reproductive process , and becomes asymmetrical during pollination .
By the 30 seconds postinsemination , the sperm enters the egg cytoplasm via micropyle .
In 30 seconds , 86 % of sperm entered micropylar canal along the grooves around the micropyle ;
The ovaries grow to stage ⅳ when they are 310 days old , the micropyle and the micropylar cell are very clear .
The micropyle of the matured oocyte in the phase 5 was blocked up by the micropyle cells .
After the newborn endosperm nuclei divided , the cells were formed step by step from the chalaza side to the micropyle side .
Developmental Morphology of Obturator and Micropyle and Pathway of Poll Tube Growth in Ovary in Phellodendron amurense ( Rutaceae )
In radicle areas , there are palisade cells and a lucuna which located above micropyle and formed via knockdown parenchyma cells .
The region of an ovule that is opposite the micropyle , where the integuments and nucellus are joined .
In fish whose sperm structure belongs to the acrosome type , there is no micropyle on the surface of ovum , for example , in Tilapia nilotica .
After finding the whirlpool like structure of micropyle of the mature egg of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus in1987 , we discovered again that there is a radiate structure .
The pollen grain germinates on the stigma and the pollen tube grows along the hollow style canal into the ovary chamber at the funicle side and enters the micropyle .
8-14 hours after pollination , pollen tube grows in ovary and gets into ovule via micropyle . It is about 1 h from germination to the arrival at micropyle .
The zygote , 2-cell proembryo , T-proembryo , multicellular proembryo , small globular embryo and endosperm nucleus diffusion to micropyle were observed in succession .
The fertilization and development of egg cells in the large embryo sac might be the main cause of the formation of the so called " mid-seated embryo " ( the embryo far from the micropyle end ) .
The growth rate of pollen tubes varied widely with the position of gynecium . The pollen tubes grew fast in the stigma canal and style canal , but slow in the obturator and micropyle .
The developmental morphology of the obturator and micropyle and the pathway of the pollen tubes in the ovarian locule in Phellodendron amurense Rupr . have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy .
With the megasporocyte developing , a bigger vacuole appears in the micropyle end , then it migrating toward the chalazal end with the nucleus in the micropyle end , ringed ER disappears in this phase .
Owing to the degeneration of the nucellus at the micropyle pole during megagametogenesis , the egg apparatus pole of the mature embryo sac directly contacts with the integument and more or less penetrates into the micropyle .
Before and after pollination , calcium was more abundant in the exostome and endostome as compared with the other regions of the integuments , and was concentrated at the apoplast system , i.e. the intercellular matrix of the micropyle canal and the cell wall .
The pistil was composed of five carpels , stigmas and styli separated , the ovary was coadnate , basal placenta , it had only one circinotropous ovule , the ovule was crassinucellate and had two layers of integument , the micropyle was formed by the inner integument .