- n.精通;控制;熟练掌握;驾驭;控制力量
- mastery的复数

Fixed a typo on the Masteries page in the Summoner Profile .
The chance of Critical Strike can be increased by the amazon 's Critical Strike skill and assassin / barbarian Weapon Masteries .
IAC offers only one certification : CC ( Certified Coach )– simply pass the IAC written and oral tests based on its9 masteries .
The combination of the two parts is very necessary to do the research . These masteries have important historical value and literary value to reveal the Tang Dynasty Buddhist embroidery ( mainly the rise of Pure Land embroidery ) activities .
Of course , some skills will not be tradable , for example , a warrior 's weapon masteries should not be tradable , since they are only all there to let the warrior choose which weapon he will use .