- n.恶意;恶意,恶毒;敌意;用心狠毒的行为

There is a world of difference between simple human error and premeditated malevolence .
But these models can 't resolve the effect on trust value because of malevolence recommendation .
It was an act of great malevolence .
The blackness of the fruit suggests an object infused with malevolence .
What malevolence you must have to wish to convince me that there is no happiness in the world !
Well , when I broke up with George , I saw something in his eyes.It was a kind of malevolence ,
I had always been aware of a frame of malevolence under his urbanity .
He appeared to have bent his malevolence on making him a brute : he was never taught to read or write ;
The heroes are always decent and cavalier , while scoundrels are always malevolence and vicious .
For all its malevolence , the Soviet empire was like a Ponzi scheme , dependent on ever-increasing amounts of money .
I think they keep changing the rules mostly out of boredom but , in Marvin 's case , I sense a certain underlying malevolence .
The love of scandal is an expression of this general malevolence any story against another woman is instantly believed , even on the flimsiest evidence .
Notice there were several lulls in our space program as we found out new things , and then geared up to take into account the malevolence of outer space .
Humans have minds but are not intelligent enough to learn from the past and when malevolence flares up in the human mind it can endanger human survival itself .
Pollux : " * dignified malevolence and is connected with poisons . "
Created as the middle section of a three-part trilogy , ' Malevolence ' is the tragic story of a group of bank robbers on the run from the law .
Or it might well be that the physician was not careful then , as at all other times , to hide the malevolence with which he looked upon his victim .
The sites of prior school massacres are etched on our minds , a symbolic shorthand for the violence and malevolence that none of us can comprehend .
Animated by a spasm of malevolence , the Dragon of Chaos clawed her deeply through the heart , but was suddenly overwhelmed by the pure magic of order and sacrifice .
Creatures of pure malevolence and woe , gloom golems haunt the layers of hades , thriving on the misery and despair they inflict on others .
Yet even as Eva recounts evidence of her son 's malevolence at a young age , the reader is left with a galling question : would Kevin have fared better if his mother loved him more ?
The ingredients of both darkness and light are equally present in all of us , and then it 's up to the individual ( or the family , or the society ) to decide what will be brought forth - the virtues or the malevolence .
To his features , as to all other objects , the meteoric light imparted a new expression ; or it might well be that the physician was not careful then , as at all other times , to hide the malevolence with which he looked upon his victim .
As for the accused himself , many remembered him as being so amiable , so handsome , and so liberal , that they chose to think him the victim of some conspiracy , since in this world large fortunes frequently excite the malevolence and jealousy of some unknown enemy .