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When used carefully , lxml can provide all three .
The lxml parse method reads the entire document and builds an in-memory tree .
In addition to the use of specific methods within lxml , you can use approaches outside of the library to influence execution speed .
Consult the FAQ section on threads in the lxml documentation for more information .
Which parts of lxml you use in your code depends on your needs : Are you comfortable with XPath ?
This article does not cover all of lxml but instead demonstrates techniques to efficiently process very large XML files , optimizing for high speed and low memory usage .
Object models such as lxml 's objectify or Amara might be more natural for Python developers when speed is not a consideration .
One effect of this is that a node in lxml can have one and only one parent . ( cElementTree has no concept of parent nodes . )
Lxml supplies two other options for discovering subnodes : the iterchildren / iterdescendants methods and true XPath .
Typical gains for a pure Python program are between two and four times , but lxml does most of its work in C , so the difference is unusually small .
It 's also possible to extend lxml itself if you write Python modules that are callable from XSLT or create custom Python or C extensions .
If your task requires any serialization at all , lxml is a clear choice , but there are some tricks to get the best performance out of the library .
If , instead , your application relies mostly on internal , C-driven lxml features , it might be to your advantage to run it as a threaded application in a multiprocessor environment .