Since I started being a lookalike people have been saying stuff .
She has done several charity performances and private parties as a Taylor Swift lookalike .
Also a type of " Brady " plan lookalike is needed to solve the debt problems of these countries .
Earlier this year in Hong Kong , an Obama lookalike was employed to advertize KFC .
The mother has sent fans into a frenzy after posing with her lookalike daughters .
The " before " shot looks as if she 's trying out as an Alice Cooper lookalike .
By 1990 , Mr Stemberg 's disruptive bright idea had spawned dozens of lookalike office supply warehouses .
A Taylor Swift lookalike claims she has been kicked in the face because people were ' jealous ' of her star looks .
She is a Taylor Swift lookalike .
A former advertising executive bears such a striking resemblance to US presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton that she quit her job to work as a full-time lookalike .
This former advertising executive bears such a striking resemblance to US presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton that she quit her job to work as a full-time lookalike .
A British woman who was nicknamed " fish lips " and bullied out of school has regained her confidence by becoming a Lady Gaga lookalike .
In contrast to lookalike iPhones , HTC tries to make handsets for every taste , some with slide-out keyboards , others with touch screens .
But Chase and director Alan Taylor enlisted Gandolfini 's lookalike son , Michael Gandolfini , to play Tony as a young man .
While investors have become used to viewing Chinese banks as lookalike state-owned behemoths , their latest batch of earnings was notable for the growing divergence in their strategies and fortunes .
Mini-Halle Berry perfected her hand-on-hip pose as she modeled a lookalike of the actress ' one-shouldered printed Versace dress .
A Kim Kardashian lookalike has made more than $ 10000 in just one year after she capitalized on her striking Armenian-American looks by joining a controversial dating site .
In fact , a GIF that 's gone viral on social media has only reignited the fascination over their lookalike status , leaving millions of people freaking out .
Barnwell was coached by Denise Bella Vlasis , a Madonna lookalike , to hone her craft after meeting on the set of a TV show .
The lookalike , who bears an uncanny resemblance to the former Barca hero , ended up with a bloodied hand after scaling the fence in his adventure to meet Messi , but said : " It was worth it . "
Robinson Oliveira , who works as a professional lookalike of the Brazilian forward , told Goal : " When he saw me he was shocked because he thought I was the real Ronaldinho and he told me that I didn 't need to run on the pitch to see him .
Consider Robb Stark , who throughout the second season leans heavily on a web of contractual dependencies , most notably to Lord Walder Frey , an Ebenezer Scrooge lookalike who controls the only land access between Robb 's kingdom in the north and the fighting in the south . Frey can scissor Robb 's supply lines at will .