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  • 网络伦敦资本集团;计算网格
  1. Method Heat transfer process of the LCG was analyzed according to engineering facts .


  2. Conclusion The design of the LCG for the EVA space suit was found to be reasonable .


  3. LCG Jukebox was designed to fulfill all needs of music fan using a mobile device .


  4. The linear congruent generators ( LCG ) arc widely applied to emulation and simulation .


  5. Conclusion LCG has similar effect as prednisone and exerts two-ways regulation effects on the immune system .


  6. Chapter three illustrates in detail the structure .. the condition of the arrangement and the situation of running about the system of LCG ;


  7. Also , the author introduced common methods and mathematical algorithms that can generate random numbers : LCG , FSR , CRNG and etc.


  8. Thousands of scientists around the world want to access and analyze this data , so CERN is collaborating with institutions in33 different countries to operate the LCG .


  9. Objective To establish a nonlinear mathematical model for human experiment of liquid cooling garment ( LCG ), and to study the relationship between human status parameters and the inlet temperature of LCG .


  10. A method based on linear congruential generator ( LCG ) is used to construct random interleavers for interleave-division multiple-access ( IDMA ) .


  11. Gridview , a monitoring and visualization tool being developed to provide a high level view of various functional aspects of the LCG ( based on Java , PHP and Oracle10g ) .


  12. Submit the autobuilt package to LCG .


  13. It consists of choosing parameters such that the LCG period is longer than the interleaver size and out-of-range numbers are discarded therefore creating more randomness in the sequence .


  14. Objective To investigate the features of gastroscope and pathology of lymphocytic gastritis ( LCG ), and effect on them after Helicobecter pylori ( HP ) eradication .


  15. Methods : Analysis of manifestations under gastroscope and findings of pathology were made in 50 patients with LCG . Lymphocytes infiltration were assessed by grading and Hp was eradicated by PPI-based triple therapy .


  16. It is also shown that when this constraint is met , then the transmitter and receiver power optimization problems are equivalent . Moreover , a simple interleaver generation method based on linear congruential generator ( LCG ) is proposed .
