- 网络可笑;有趣;可笑地

In entertainment or sports , dumpster fire refers to a laughably poor performance usually caused by : 1 .
The nationalist reaction to the Smith report was laughably typical .
Her income was laughably small , but she managed to live well .
Even by the standards of oil states , Angola is almost laughably unfair .
However , healthy companies that did not need loans were finding it laughably easy to raise money .
The whole holiday 's gotten laughably commercial .
Thinking of that makes the project of finding some order in the stock market seem laughably na ï ve .
That plane itself looks almost laughably archaic .
With the Wearable PC , IBM will soon make that classic movie scene laughably out-of-date .
One new volume by a pair of professional defeatists is laughably titled Going South : Why Britain Will Have a Third World Economy By 2014 .
No matter how brilliant you think you may be , the day will come when you will be told in no uncertain terms that you are laughably wrong .
In the United States , the anti-GMO movement is almost laughably impotent , despite the headlines it manages to regularly snag .
governments have crippled industry over the years with laughably counterproductive policies ( including penalising large companies and so ensuring that China took charge of every internationally traded sector from garments to white goods ) ;
Indeed , a Chatham House spokesman says it " would completely go against the grain " to even consider the issue of citizenship when granting membership ; to them , the idea seems laughably bizarre .
The coy C and N euphemisms ( like the laughably juvenile F bomb ) are an understandable alternative in family-oriented newspapers and magazines , and , I suppose , on broadcast television .
At one time or another , they have been explained as Inca roads , irrigation plans , images to be appreciated from primitive hot-air balloons , and , most laughably , landing strips for alien spacecraft .
Comedians around the world have plenty tosay about this year 's US presidential contest , from broader commentary on Americanculture ( many contend US presidential debates are laughably superficial ) topointed criticism of Trump 's rise .
He says " We find anything that is even slightly below human-level performance to be unacceptable . Take chatbots - they are not that far from human level performance ... but we are so sensitive to any imperfections that they often seem laughably bad . "
He is shooting so well in part because he has been laughably judicious in Sacramento , playing in a slow-motion haze , pump-faking his way out of shots as if he were more concerned with his statistics than helping the Kings win .
INTERNAL TIME [ qh ] [ qh ] " Six hours " sleep for a man , seven for a woman , and eight for a fool , " Napoleon famously prescribed . But despite the laughably sexist hierarchy , his rule of thumb turns out to be grossly unsupported by science .