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  • 网络卡雷;香蕉心炒牛肚
  1. There were problems with the way that Kare Log was advertised .


  2. Is Kare marsh going to retire , do you think ?


  3. What reasons did Kare Marsh give for wanting to retire ?


  4. But for some people , these cameras raise a debate of privacy versus security , Alanconstontily phily KARE has more on that .


  5. He asked whether Ms. Kare would agree those icons are not ' substantially similar , ' and she did , but she noted that they use the same metaphors .


  6. Ms. Kare is Apple 's fifth witness in the closely watched patent case against Samsung , which kicked off last week and now is in its fourth day of testimony .


  7. Ms. Kare said that she had even become confused herself , once picking up a Samsung phone off a table full of devices at one of the lawyer 's offices when she wanted to make a point about the iPhone .


  8. Japan 's communications ministry has even waded into the debate on privacy , saying in a statement that " The consent of a tracked individual is very important . There were problems with the way that Kare Log was advertised . "
