- 网络联合检测加速器

This acquisition brings together two market leaders , resulting in JDA 's ability to provide integrated supply chain offering , spanning from materials to the consumer .
By finalizing the acquisition , JDA solidifies its position as one of the world 's leading providers of supply chain management and pricing solutions .
Strengthening the dissemination of flood information add upgrading the consciousness of flood preparedness for the families inhabited in the JDA is becoming one of the major priorities of flood disaster reduction in the future .
Supply chain cost structures have become dynamic , says Kelly Thomas , senior vice-president for manufacturing at supply chain specialist JDA Software . They fluctuate significantly , causing once-profitable sourcing strategies quickly to turn unprofitable .
At JDA , a maker of supply-chain software , he requires meetings to be intensely focused and only eight or 30 minutes long , and he asks participants to submit materials 48 hours in advance .
A few years ago at a prior job , Girish Rishi had a boss who got distracted by every minor crisis or triumph , leading to " whiplash " for his subordinates , says Mr. Rishi , now chief executive of JDA Software .