- adj.集团内部;团体内的;集团之内的

Elimination of Unrealized Profits Resulting from Intragroup Transactions in Consolidated Financial Statements
Exploring the Underlying Mediating Processes between Intragroup Conflict and Team Outcomes How does team work fit into production ?
The Origin of the Positive In-Group Regard : Intragroup or Intergroup
By intragroup comparison , two groups ' difference with self AP comparison shows statistical significance ( P0.05 ), indicating that two groups can both effectively improve patients ' sleeping .
The results showed : Intragroup comparation of T SOD : T SOD was no difference in the whole experimental period in CG ( P > 0 05 );
Determined anterior-posterior position lumbar 1-4 vertebra body bone mineral density ( BMD ) before and after treated 6 months , then contrast intragroup and intergroup .
The result of intragroup control study showed that the negative correlation between LI and UCB % disappeared when the lithogenic bile was reversed into non - lithogenic bile .
It could be concluded that the genetic diversity of P. delavayi flower color group was in middle level ; the variation mainly came from intragroup . ( 4 ) The P. delavayi flower color groups would be more applicable as the multiple object parents of breeding .