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  • 网络激励
  1. Managers want to incent good performance - so clearly communicate what will motivate you .


  2. Monitoring , quality traceability and the corresponding punishment are the important governance mechanism to incent an transaction intermediary making more effort to control the quality of the products .


  3. The convergence of the algorithm is quite different for different structure and incent wave .


  4. The conclusion is that we need a system which can transfer information efficiently , govern bank normatively and incent prudent behavior .


  5. Establishment of a reasonable executive incentive system can restrict executive behavior , and then incent to maximize capacity . It is the core content of an effective corporate government .


  6. Third , to make a proper price for capital value of entrepreneur is a basic way to incent its realization , because entrepreneurs obtain wage by transferring his use value of human capital .


  7. Seller ( shareholder ) can reach the purpose of reducing agency cost , incent and restrict the management , peel off assets and change public-owned departments to private departments .


  8. Supply chain contracts often incent the parts of the supply chain to adjust the relationship between them . They help to minimize the difference in profit between the decentralized decision system and centralized system .


  9. We know that in many of the leading suppliers of supply chain coordination models , supplier gave a cooperative strategy to incent buyers to change the original order met several times to the cooperation .


  10. Which targets are the best ones to be incent in the company to make the incentive mechanism works to its fullest extent ? There comes the problem of the choice of equity incentive targets .


  11. Therefore , to improve the performance of P2P networks , the peers ' voluntary operations must be taken into account as well as the incentive mechanism which incent peers cooperate and consume resources rationally .


  12. This paper uses a tit-for-tat repeated game strategy , to incent the cooperation between the vehicles , to improve the delivery rate , to reduce the download latency , and increase the speed download of multimedia information .


  13. The mental expressions of the athletes for the occurrence of cognition factor and stimulation factor are mainly " I don 't care about this ", and secondly " They 'll incent me to have an outstanding performance ";


  14. How to manage these knowledge workers effectively and encourage them to work in the consistent way of improving the common benefit of all employees , namely how to incent knowledge workers , has become the chief issue of human resource management .


  15. INCENT VIGIL : We are able to have them interact with American students , but then also ask them any sort of simple questions that you may ask another person : 'What do you like to do for fun ?


  16. To these obstacles , some effective advice is given . On the side of exterior governance , the thesis analyzes the incent and supervise on managers of competed market system , especially of merchandise , manager and capital market ( control rights market ) .


  17. It is disadvantageous for fixed management fee rate to incent the fund company making great efforts to maximize return of investor in social insurance funds investment at present , this article put forward dividing the fixed management fee rate into two part of base and performance fee .


  18. The important steps to pay respect to Guan Yin are to pray , offer tea , dessert , scented wood , flower , incent , candle , dress in white and the refusal to take any kind of meat , most importantly beef .


  19. Hence , the key of this issue is that clients should devise some effective system and measures to incent and constrain the behaviors of the attorney and make the latter choose the behavior that is most beneficial to the clients in solving the bilateral conflicts of interest .


  20. To motivate the core talent is to help companies win in the competition . It is an important method to reach overall intended objective . The process of motivation is a process to incent employees by meeting their needs so the most valuable resources-human resources can be fully utilized .


  21. In addition , the thesis studies the optimum contract which can incent and restrict venture capitalists to make their best efforts for the venture capital , and concludes that when the risk-neutral venture capitalists are endowed with residual claim rights , the optimum incentive contract can bring into effect .
