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  • abbr.igitur (Latin=therefore) (拉丁语)因此,所以
  1. Natural Results and Comparision of 285 Cases IGR of 3 Years Later


  2. Results The standardized rate of IGR was 10.56 % .


  3. Early intervention for patients with high-normal blood pressure and IGR in community


  4. Excise intervention was effective to improve blood glucose and blood pressure of IGR population .


  5. The new kid , IGR , is only about three times as massive as the Sun .


  6. Conclusions The incidence of IGR was high in elderly people over 40 years old in local district of Chongqing city .


  7. Objective To investigate the natural results of IGR and to compare the correlation factor between IFG and IGT .


  8. Deficit in insulin secretion is worsening as the IGR deteriorates .


  9. The prevalence rates for IGR and DM are the lowest in retired population and the highest in school students .


  10. Laboratory evaluation of insect growth regulator ( IGR ) fenoxycarb on several stored grain insects are introduced in this paper .


  11. Conclusion For elderly patients with IGR , age , hypertension and hypertriglyceridemia were independent risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases .


  12. Diet intervention was effective to improve blood glucose , blood pressure , physique indexes and dietary nutriment indexes of IGR population .


  13. Impaired glucose regulation ( IGR ), which is significant to early detection and control of diabetes , is considered as pre-diabetic state .


  14. The prevalence of DM was 9 % . Prevalence of IGR was 11.7 % .


  15. Objective To study the clinical characteristics of impaired glucose regulation ( IGR ) in elderly subjects and its relationship with metabolic syndrome ( MS ) .


  16. Age increased , abdominal obesity , high blood pressure , alcohol consumption , heart rate are the risk factors for the incidence of NGT and IGR populations .


  17. The precision of IGR ephemeris and IGU ephemeris is analyzed through IGS precise ephemeris .


  18. Through the VVI technology found IGR group carotid artery elasticity is normal control group to decrease , show that IGR period already exist pathological changes of the atherosclerosis . 2 .


  19. The epidemiologic survey of adult DM and IGR in Baiyin district Gansu province Epidemiological Investigation on Pullorum Disease in Some Henneries of Yinchuan City


  20. However , NDM / DM group and NGT / IGR group respectively had similar clinical characteristics with DM / DM group and IGR / IGR group .


  21. Objective To observe the effects of glycemic index ( GI ) on status of diet and nutrient intakes of patients with imparted glucose regulation ( IGR ) .


  22. Objective To investigate the prevalence of diabetes mellitus ( DM ) and impaired glucose regulation ( IGR ) among the permanent urban inhabitants in Fuzhou and Sanming .


  23. Objective To investigate the characteristics of free fatty acid ( FFA ) alteration and its relationship with insulin secretion , insulin sensitivity in impaired glucose regulation ( IGR ) individuals .


  24. Traditionally , glucocorticoid ( GC ) binding to intracellular glucocorticoid receptor ( iGR ) can directly and / or indirectly suppress the expression of CRH .


  25. Conclusion : HbA1C can monitor IGR earlier , and is an efficacy index to the possible hyperglycemia in the treatment of antipsychotics when combined with routine fasting plasma glucose test .


  26. Conclusion ( 1 ) IGR group have basic β - cell function defects and decrease of insulin secretion function after load , and significant IR . Different types of IGR groups have different pathophysiologic characteristics ;


  27. The prevalence rates of DM and IGR in Tai Yuan , Shan Xi province were high . Dyslipidemia , aging and hypertension are the risk factors for DM and IGR . 2 .


  28. Conclusion IGT was the most common IGR subcategory , There were various metabolic disorders in the subgroups of IGR , and they had different degrees of IR and dysfunction of insulin secretion .


  29. Not only the levels of blood glucose should be measured as early as possible but also β - cell function should be assessed earlier in IGR group , and early integrated interventions should be given to prevent diabetes from occurring .


  30. Controlling the influential factors by stratified analysis and Logistic regression analysis , the results show that both systemic obesity and central obesity are closely related with IGR and DM , but there is more closely relationship between central obesity and DM .
