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Effects of Glutamine on Hypermetabolism Reaction and Hormone Secretion After Severe Burn Injury
It 's your hypermetabolism . I need a sample .
All patients demonstrated focal hypermetabolism on PET scan .
Effects of cleaning intestine on enterogenous hypermetabolism after severe burn injury in rats
Effects of selective decontamination of digestive tract on rat hypermetabolism reaction after severe burn injury
It is indicated there is existence of gut derived postburn hypermetabolism .
Conclusions The early enteral nutrition is more effective in reducing hypermetabolism response than the early parenteral nutrition .
Concomitant resolution of PET hypermetabolism was documented in three patients who had follow up scans .
Early enteral feeding or nutrition could maintain the structure and function of gut , and decrease the hypermetabolism after burn injury .
Objective To study the effect of enteral nutritional support supplemented with glutamine on enterogenous hypermetabolism after severe burn injury .
Effect of tumor necrosis factor - α on hypermetabolism of skeletal muscle protein in burned rats with sepsis and its underlying mechanism
Conclusion : Taurine could protect myocardium from exhaustive exercise induced damage by inhibiting hypermetabolism of thyroid hormone and change of second messenger .
Objective To explore whether the enterogenous hypermetabolism is present or not , and the effects of cleaning intestine on it after burn injury .
Research of Enterogenous Hypermetabolism in Burns Hypermetabolism Endotoxin
Leptin , uncoupling protein and hypermetabolism
Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid in the body , which is regarded as a conditionally essential amino acid under the conditions of stress and hypermetabolism .
Conclusion : Taurine could protect myocardium from stress induced damage by inhibiting hypermetabolism of thyroid hormone and alleviating energy exhaustion by excessive production of T 3 in stressed rats .
The hypermetabolism was in the left frontotemporal region in patients with ictal aphasia and in the bilateral hippocampal region in the patient with amnesia .
Postoperative fatigue syndrome ( POFS ) is mediated by the endocrine metabolic response to the degree of surgical trauma and stress . Effects of early enteral nutrition on hypermetabolism in burned patients
Malignant Hyperthermia ( MH ) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder in which susceptible individuals may develop a potentially life threatening hypermetabolism when they were exposed to certain anesthetic agents .
Results 18F-FDG PET scans showed hypermetabolism of glycose in the lesion and the tumor / white matter ( T / WM ) radio was 2.79 ± 0.20 in 9 cases ;
MM cells are of hypermetabolism and high activity of proliferation . The abnormality of MM cells proliferation depend on the over-utilization of glucose , whereas increasing glucose uptake and metabolism capability play an important role .
The metabolic response to traumatic brain injury includes hypermetabolism , hypercatabolism , hyperglycemia , acute phase response and immunosuppression , which are mediated mainly by hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis and cytokines .
Objectives : To observe the effect of metabolic intervention of anti TNF antibody on the hypermetabolism occurred in intra abdominal infection ( IAI ) complicated by multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ( MODS ) .
Brain stem midbrain , borderline of medulla oblongata and pons cerebelli , right cuneus ( Brodmann area 18 ) and left cerebellum show hypermetabolism state of glucose ( p < 0.01 ) .
Hyperlipemia ( HLP ), as a model of abnormal lipid hypermetabolism of human body , is a kind of cardiovascular system disease which is very harm to human body , and its primary clinical symptom is that the blood fat level of blood plasma is abnormal .
Conclusions : The effect of endotoxin , TNF , IL-8 and glucagon on the level of REE are sustained , the postburn gut injury is accompanied by ischemia reperfusion injury , and the hypermetabolism induced by burns may be through gut endotoxin translocation .
Conclusion Early enternal nutrition could maintain the structure and function of intestine in severely scalded rats , prevent the bacterial and endotoxin from translocating , and alleviate the hypermetabolism reaction , and the effect of EEN + rhGH was better than that of EEN .
Thirty incipient hyperthyroid patients in group A have hypermetabolism signs and obvious increasing of FT 3 , FT 4,35 patients in group B were treated with antithyroid drug for 3 months , their symptoms were improved significantly , FT 3 , FT 4 almost recovered to normal level .