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  • 网络豪厄尔
  1. The address of record is at Howell Acres Flight Center .


  2. Mr Howell made all the right noises about this , but what we need is action .


  3. But George Howell shows us how history has a hold on those raised between different nations .


  4. Today Howell 's name is unknown to all but specialists .


  5. Howell is a researcher at San Francisco State University .


  6. Howell says these feelings of well-being might come from feeling active and connected to friends and community .


  7. Mr Howell claimed she had been the victim of sexual discrimination .


  8. If we did , Greg would have got with Mrs. Howell .


  9. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy . & James Howell , British writer


  10. Howell recently presented his research at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in Tampa .


  11. Howell I 've instructed our soldiers to follow this wish to the letter .


  12. In 1927 , my mother 's young parents Edwin John Howell Jr and Della Murray got a divorce .


  13. My mother , Dorothy Howell Rodham , was a homemaker whose days revolved around me and my two younger brothers .


  14. In Rwanda , Kay Howell , Jane Markey Culver and Allison Radke teach English as a foreign language .


  15. Ms. Howell , who has a master 's degree in public health , looked up the condition and realized it was unclear whether those odd-looking cells would ever lead to cancer .


  16. George Howell looks at why some productions are heading away from Hollywood and what that can mean for California and the states where these productions end up .


  17. In collaboration with Ryan Howell and Paulina Pchelin at San Francisco State , we 've been developing a measure of experiential buying .


  18. In fact , the Canadian Arctic archipelago acts as a " drain trap " for ship-wrecking multiyear ice , Howell says .


  19. Abby Howell , 57 , who lives in Seattle , two years ago had some calcifications show up on a mammogram , which are sometimes a sign of cancer .


  20. Nick Lind of Newport Beach and Matthew Howell of San Clemente were surfing as the last remnants of the whale were being removed .


  21. Police say Stephen Howell Jr. and Nicole Vaisey in New York will be charged with two counts of first degree kidnapping with the intent of physically hammer , sexually abuse the girls .


  22. The amount of money Mr. Howell spent on a new Rolls-Royce was just a drop in the bucket compared to his annual salary . Technical Institute of Helsinki : Helsinki ; f.1881 .


  23. Having blown his chance of an outright victory on the18th green , Maruyama sank this short putt on the first play-off hole to beat Charles Howell III of America .


  24. In a recently published study , Ryan Howell , associate professor of psychology at San Francisco State University in the US , found that when people don 't have much money to spare , they tend to stick to material goods .


  25. ZACH HOWELL : " It is all about the economy . That is everything to them . I mean , twenty percent of college graduates are unable to find work right now . So young people are concerned about their futures . "


  26. Her grandfather , a Dallas dressmaker and Russian immigrant , found himself in possession of priceless historical evidence when he captured John F. Kennedy 's assassination with his Bell & Howell home-movie camera .


  27. People have been fascinated with cloaking for a very long time , said John Howell , a Professor of Physics . Its recently been a really popular thing in science fiction and Harry Potter I think people are really excited about the prospect of just being invisible .


  28. Then , on June 8th , 1985 , Sgt. Howell Burchfield was walking down the hallway , and the prisoners counted his steps . As soon as he got near , they stabbed him through the heart with the spear .
