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The Hesa figures also show a one per cent decline in non-EU students coming to the UK to study .
The figures from HESA contained good news about the state of science courses , which have suffered falling popularity in recent years .
Student-staff ratio : average number of students per staff member at the university , taken from HESA data for2003 / 04 .
It comes as new figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency ( HESA ) reveal China sent more students to the UK than any other overseas country .
The figures , collated by the Higher Education Statistics Agency ( Hesa ), are official confirmation of other indications that there was a fall in the number of people going to university last year .
While nearly 68 % of all students - and 52 % of overseas students from outside the European Union - graduated with a first or 2.1 last year , this was true of only 42 % of students from China , according to the latest figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency ( Hesa ) .