
Student and staff figures are in headcounts and include all funding sources .
Although economic growth has resulted in striking poverty reduction achievements , there is still a high proportion of poor headcounts .
Between them they employ more than 19000 people in the mainland and Hong Kong and are on course to have increased their headcounts by at least 20 per cent this year .
As to the type of disease , type 2 diabetes accounts for 91.83 % of total headcounts , while IGT and IFG takes up 5.07 % and 1.83 % respectively .
Recruitment consultants warn that the antipathy towards bankers and the fact that most of the top global investment banks are reducing headcounts will make it difficult for those made redundant to find new opportunities .
As the financial crisis unfolded in 2008 , leopard concluded that Wall Street was going to change : headcounts would shrink , dealmaking would slow , and buyout firms would have to hold on to portfolio companies longer .