His own books and memoirs are a farrago of half-truth and outright invention .
Similar to go ip , but usually more based on some factual element or half-truth .
A lie that is half-truth is the darkest of all lies .
Half-truth and hearsay was called truth .
What he told me was only half-truth .
Of course , a truism can be a half-truth , and attractiveness is only part of what makes football compelling .
But FOR all its half-truth , it embodies a radical error which bids fair to stifle the genius of the modern world .
Now there is a half-truth in the " backed-up " demand fallacy , just as there was in the broken-window fallacy .
He once claimed that after 1931 he never read another paper in logic , but this was at most a half-truth , for he was a prodigious reader , working long before anyone else got up in the morning , and covering the whole gamut of mathematical literature .