- n.贪婪;渴望;嘴馋

Let people always act without human stategy or greediness .
Greediness is one of the common characteristics of compulsive gambler .
It can be said that greediness is the root of all evil .
Shrink greediness to zero ; broaden the scope of mind as vast as the universe .
Remain reasonable and coherent beyond your accesses of greediness , the hunger this is anything else !
I believe that punishing them by depriving them of sweet things only develops greediness .
The second type of people show the greatest evils . Some are so full of greediness that they can do anything for material gains .
Greediness is my worst shortcoming .
The tremendous contrast presented by the drawing alarmingly reminds us of the detrimental deterioration of oceanic ecosystem by the greediness of mankind .
Eph . 4:19 Who , being past feeling , have given themselves over to lasciviousness to work all uncleanness in greediness .
He blamed her for her greediness .
The name reveals Zhu-Bajie ′ s position and influence in the pilgrimage and the author found the basis of creating this character with moral defects from Buddhism " Greediness is Tao " .
The notion of realizing self-value through the plundering of natural resources and the greediness of human beings displayed in this play are severely animadverted on by O ' Neill .
Hung-chien spitefully refused to eat them , but his greediness won out , and he ate them anyway , all the while cursing himself for being unable to do any better .
Animal instinct is the source of all the problems in the society , such as selfishness and greediness . Kingsley emphasizes the good social property , which is , to him , the cure to the evil animal instinct .
" I don 't want this to end ," you say quietly , full of a greediness that you didn 't know you possessed , and though you 're not sure quite what this you mean , you know what you 've said is true .
When fostering good personality , leaders need a kind of driving force and this should be got from three aspects , that is , the enthusiasm for the country and the people , the pursuance of truth and justice and the cleanse of selfishness and greediness .