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A classic crime novel with over 13000 five-star Goodreads ratings : PI Philip Marlowe is drawn into the mystery of a war veteran ’ s murdered wife , which heats up when the veteran himself disappears .
After the prize , their ratings on Goodreads dropped from an average of just under 4 to about 3.75 .
Its rating on the site Goodreads took a sudden plunge . And it wasn 't the only book to suffer that fate .
On Thursday morning , just hours after the book 's release , a sprinkling of negative reviews on Amazon and Goodreads took aim at " Grey " as a lazy and unimaginative follow up with little in the way of an original plot .
There are two reasons you might have read The Sense of an Ending and rated it on Goodreads . It might be because it 's exactly the kind of novel you 're apt to like . Or it might be because it won the Booker Prize .