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  • 网络专线小巴;英国总工会;冈比亚
  1. Our partnership with the German company GMB has proved extremely fruitful .


  2. The magnetization of GMB / Fe3O4 could be controlled by changing the GMB content and the reaction temperature .


  3. Screening around 19 000 children from arsenic affected areas of GMB plain we found nearly 1 100 affected with arsenical skin lesions .


  4. A report by the GMB general union this month said chief executives and directors of large organisations earned an average of 214,000 annually .


  5. This week , a panel of three men will meet in London to decide the outcome of an employment tribunal case between Uber and the GMB union .


  6. Notices will be put up at the termini and the concerned stop of the above GMB service to advise passengers of the temporary transport arrangement .


  7. The GMB alleges that Uber 's 30000 London drivers are not independent contractors but workers owed the minimum wage , sick pay and holiday pay .


  8. A method of constructing supply chain network by generic materials bills ( GMB ) was proposed , and an integrated production planning model with constrained capacities for this kind of supply chain network was established .


  9. Thomas Markle fears he is being ' frozen out ' by Kensington Palace after he gave a bombshell interview to GMB discussing his daughter and Harry 's plans to have children , and the prince 's views of Brexit .


  10. If the tribunal panel finds for the GMB , it could broaden the legal definition of who counts as a worker in the UK - emboldening similar claimants in other countries , while making many in Britain 's gig economy eligible for more rights and protections .
