- n.(罗马法)剑;刀

By contrast the gladius is very ineffective compared to a large sword when in an open , individual , combat .
Another theory is that as metalworking technologies advanced , the gladius no longer had to be short if it wanted to maintain its strength .
I have been curious as to why the late roman army moved away from the gladius to a longer sword .
I don 't think we have any definitive answers as to why and when the gladius goes out of style .
The paper compares the most popularly used surplus production models using simulated data and swordfish , Xiphias gladius , fishery data in the North Atlantic Ocean .
BTW way , The Roman Gladius ( gladius mean short word in latin ) is a copy of the Iberian sword used by the Spanish and by Carthage .
The Studies of the Complete Mitochondrial DNA of Chinese Paddlefish ( Psephurus Gladius ) and Yangtze Sturgeon ( Acipenser Dabryanus ) and Molecular Evolutionary Patterns in Acipenseriformes