- abbr.Given 给予的;让予的

The realization method of main function is giv - en .
Giv in g the demarcation theory and application examples ;
The study on the intention of foreign supervision system may giv us some reference to improve our supervision system .
The reference materials have been giv - en on catalytic mechanism of metal porphyrins .
I won 't giv em assent to her plan because it is not well prepared .
Based on military satellites application system 's battle guarantee Which is giv - en to ground war field , its battle efficiency evaluation index system is set up .
Group C was giv - en topical imiquimod 5 % cream three times a week over 8 weeks after laser treatment of visible warts .
Using time-frequency-and complex frequency domain analysis to find the complete response of the circuit from the different point , has the different physics meaning and calculating method . A detailed expound about the three methods also is giv - en from an example .
With the CAN LIN mixing network being applied in automotive body control system widely , to interconnect two kinds of network , a design of CAN / LIN Gateway is put forward , and the particular hardware software implementation of the gateway is giv - en in the article .