- n.印度酥油(用牛乳制成)

The dough contains ghee and the bread is usually stuffed with vegetables .
We minimize the use of saturated fats found in foods such as butter , ghee , suet , lard , coconut oil and dairy products .
The patient is made to drink liquid butter or ghee until they vomit , then after several hours of prayer and priestly ritual dance , they are allowed to go home , supposedly fully cured .
There we read the Buddha 's words on how cream of ghee is always present within all forms and modifications of milk , but is undetectable until it has been purified of its obscuring elements .
Containing tannin acid , brick tea stimulates the secretion of gastric acid which fastens the process of digestion . It has to go with ghee or milk to allay hunger . Its high calorie can provide enough power man needs as the most favorable drink in Shangri-La .
There are not too many recipes here , although there are incoherent juxtapositions : Blueberry Breakfast Crepes With Raspberry Syrup , with coconut and ghee , runs up against Yorkshire Marrow Custard , which uses marrow bones and heavy cream .