- 网络天然气;梯度凝胶电泳;油类复合软管;天蝎座一代四门轿车;高力特;温室气体排放

The shell motion is described by Fl ü gge thin shell theory .
The vibration of the shell is described by Fl ü gge 's shell equation .
The GGE data is then subjected to singular value decomposition and is approximated by the first two principal components .
Then , stresses and displacements expressed in the edge effect form are discussed on the basis of Fl ü gge equation .
The gross growth efficiency ( GGE ) value of carps in group 1 was 6.02 % and 18.12 % above that in group 2 and 3 , respectively .
The Chinese delegation welcomes you and two Coordinators to continue to preside over this Meeting of the Group of Governmental Experts ( GGE ) .
Since the paper is submitted under the personal responsibility of the Coordinator , it should be dealt with as such rather than as a GGE 's formal document .
The Fl ü gge theory of shell is applied to describe shells ' motion . The effects of ring-stiffeners are treated as reverse forces and moments acting on the cylindrical shell .
The Chinese delegation is ready to actively participate in the forthcoming discussions in a constructive manner and promote , on the basis of consensus , substantial progress in the work of the GGE .
Following Fl ü gge 's exact derivation for the buckling of cylindrical shells , the equations of motion for transient dynamic loading of orthotropic cylindrical shells subjected to hydrostatic pressure were formulated .
When Paspalum notatum fl ü gge is in its seedling period , its crude protein makes 15.93 % and crude fat makes 5.34 % , while the output of fress grass is low .
The Chinese delegation thanks Ambassador Reimma , the Coordinator for the issue of MOTAPM , for preparing the revised coordinator 's paper , which provides reference and input to the GGE discussions .
Fl ü gge shell equation of motion and the Helmholtz equation were used to build hydrostatic pressure dispersion equation of coupling system , use the three-pointed iteration to solve Transcendental equations , get the spread of the wave dispersion curves .
The authors are not only to describe many morphological characters of bahiagrass ( Paspalum notatum Fl ü gge ), but also to introduce some of its agronomic characteristics according the bahiagrass planted in Jiangxi Province .