- n.福图纳;财产;大量财产;被发现的宝藏;福耳图那(罗马神话中的命运女神)

Introduce Fortuna Night Club , Skylight Night-Club Macau and New Emperor Night Club .
However , Fortuna sometimes offered opportunities to those who were clever and alert enough to spot them , and flexible enough to move quickly in response .
La Fortuna in Costa Rica is home to the Arenal Volcano , one of the most active volcanoes in the world .
Wishing me buona fortuna , she promised to email me a recipe , and headed off for the day 's appointments .
Audentes Fortuna Juvat ( Fortune Helps the Daring ) was the motto of the Turings , but however brave , they were never very lucky .
To answer the question , Gregory Milano of Fortuna advisors , which advises Fortune 500 companies on maximizing their market value , did some quick math .
Archaeological excavations have uncovered magic spells scrawled on bathroom walls to ward off demons and images of the goddess Fortuna designed to bring good luck .
But the US government 's toughened stance on immigration has changed the way Indian students feel about American schools , according to Matt Symonds , director of Fortuna Admissions , an MBA applicant adviser .
Dewi Fortuna Anwar , Indonesia 's deputy secretary to the vice president for political affairs says , although the ASEAN summits rarely produce ground breaking agreements , they play an important role in maintaining regional peace and stability .
Matt Symonds , a co-director of Fortuna Admissions , a business school admissions consultancy , described a " flight to quality , " with the US market fragmenting between a top tier of schools and the also-rans .