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  1. Don 't be fobbed off with excuses .


  2. We needed her help but were fobbed off by promises .


  3. Mr Paulson will not be fobbed off with yet another batch of Chinese Boeing orders .


  4. I 've no wish to be fobbed off wish one of those stale loaf .


  5. Inquiries from children should not be fobbed off .


  6. The policy has divided opinion among victims – some saying they feel fobbed off ' and others praising the lovely thought .


  7. The policy has divided opinion among victims - some saying they feel " fobbed off " and others praising the " lovely thought . "


  8. She felt she was being fobbed off .


  9. I have some trouble with the carburetor . The salesman fobbed the lady off with a faulty machine .


  10. I asked her for the money she owed me , but she just fobbed me off with a stupid excuse .


  11. However , what Washington calls early deliverables appear few . Mr Paulson will not be fobbed off with yet another batch of Chinese Boeing orders .


  12. He just fobbed off our suggestion .


  13. His hunger makes his stale bread go down . I 've no wish to be fobbed off wish one of those stale loaf .


  14. He fobbed this painting off on me as a genuine Van Gogh , but I later found out that it was a fake .


  15. What the brothel survivors want is that full apology from Japan ; they refuse to be fobbed off with offers of money instead from a private fund .


  16. They even had to fight for this , first being fobbed off with an inferior one , and having to demand something better from SCU3 's Controller , Colonel Maltby .


  17. One female student spoke of being told of glowing opportunities at the outset , but after seven years of hard slog she was fobbed off with a joke about finding a rich husband .


  18. Cynics say it is naive to expect anything dramatic before the2012 election ; yet it is also naive to expect investors to be fobbed off with lame efforts like the debt-ceiling deal .


  19. They had a meeting with six of the harshest critics of corks from the wine industry ( the Australians had long suspected they had been fobbed off with the poorest quality corks because they were so far away from Portugal ) .


  20. To support the link between state corruption and the Afghan insurgency , she chiefly offers an anecdote about a former policeman so incensed by being fobbed off when he reported graft that he vowed not to warn his former colleagues should he spot a Taliban roadside bomb ,
