- abbr.外国情报监听法(Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act);国际赛艇联合会;部队综合供给处(Force Integration Support Agency)

The Senate voted Wednesday on the bill updating FISA & which had a provision to shield telecommunications companies that had cooperated in the surveillance .
To access conversations , the Fisa court had to issue a specific order .
Pelosi says the president already has all the authority he needs under the original FISA law .
Even governments can monitor ( without a FISA request ) the resonance a muckraking story has .
For example , in the last six months of 2012 , the FISA court made between 12000 and 30000 content requests from Google .
In crafting the latest revision of the1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act ( FISA ), House and Senate lawmakers gave President Bush much of what he sought during months of tough negotiations .
According to an order from a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act ( Fisa ) court , leaked by Mr Snowden , Verizon was required to hand over information about all calls made by its 120m customers .